Yesterday I had the idea to put down some of the things I am thankful for. Of course, there were things to do to get ready for Thanksgiving but I started making my list as I went about my preparations. I am thankful to live in a country where we are free – free to be who we are and free to work towards who we want to become.

Courage, the Turkey, is Pardoned!
We have dreams – Langston Hughes knew so well “that if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.” (Taken from the poem, “A Dream Deferred”.) And, like Courage, the turkey pardoned by President Obama, we are pardoned for yesterday’s mistakes as we make a fresh start each and every day. I am thankful that my husband is always able to see the better side of me. I am so lucky to have him! I am thankful for the relationship I have with my son. I am thankful that my daughter-in-law is always smiling and has brought more smiles into our lives. I am thankful for the rest of my family and their families for sharing the ups and downs of life with me. We are in this together. I am thankful for my mother and mother-in-law who show me every day that you can grow older with grace and patience. I am trying to learn those lessons now. My friends are other sources of thankfulness because of their constancy and support. I am lucky to have them as examples of caring and generosity. I am thankful for my faith that lifts me up and helps me be aware of others, rather than just myself, and encourages me to reach out to them. Today is Thanksgiving! We are reminded of all that we can be thankful for this day as we share it with family and friends. Being thankful is something to express everyday – yes, things could always be better or different, but being thankful reminds us of what we have today! And, today is very precious, as Courage knows, because that’s all we can really count on! What are you thankful for?