There is a good story today in the Inquirer about the Frankford Special Services District clean up efforts.
When I talked to Tim at the last Frankford Civic meeting, I asked about the funding for the program since the states are all in or going into budget crisis. He says the funding is secure for the foreseeable future. We have seen programs like this come and go depending on the whims of the powers that be. Frankford needs the political cooperation to keep this one going.
Frankford is waiting.
I heard from other people that the trashed in Frankford used to be very bad 4, 5 or 6 years ago. Now it is better than it used to be but it is still have a long way to go. The program that Mr. Wisniewski bring is good for Frankford. Hope It stays.
As I was walking down the Ave the other day to get the the FTC I noticed the Ave was very dirty. The sweepers were walking up the Ave picking up an item now and then but generally left most of it behind. I noticed that no cigarette butts were being picked up. There were hundreds of thousands of them between Margaret and Orthodox and the FTC. The sidewalks were very dirty. I made the same walk the following week and it was still just as bad. Maybe they need a mechanical sweeper like the old FSSD had or maybe the sweepers on those two days just were not working very hard but it was not getting clean. I am not impressed with the work and I can understand why the merchants are complaining.
Keep up the good work! Frankford will come back. Trust me. Be a believer! Look what happened to Harlem and for that matter Northern Liberties. Frankford has potential. Look at the architectural craftmanship in the housing and look at how close it is to Center City ( I-95 and the el).