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Bamba Saouty Produce

Fresh Produce 4611 Frankford Avenue

From our Phantom Shopper:

I would also like to recommend the fresh produce store on the 4600 block of Frankford Ave. on the east side. The man who owns and runs the store is very nice and his fruit is very good. He has some excellent strawberries.  He is originally from West Africa and has been living in the States for 12 years.  He opened his store in Frankford about two years ago.

I hope the people of Frankford will stop in this produce store.  We need to support our merchants in Frankford.  Especially those merchants that bring goods and services that are badly needed in this community.


Bamba Saouty Produce is located at 4611 Frankford Avenue.  He will be moving on May 15th to 4603 Frankford Avenue.