It was election day Tuesday so attendance was off at the PSA1 meeting at Aria Health. Sargent Al Ravel was filling in for Lt. Derrick Wood and spoke on the Quality of Life issues. He also noted that
the police are continuing the investigation into the problems at Foulkrod Street and Frankford Avenue. Progress has been made but it remains a top priority of the PSA1.
So what kind of issue should you bring to the PSA meeting? The kind of thing that is not an emergency at the minute but is an ongoing problem that the police should know about. I noticed one reader posted on SeeClickFix a problem he was having with drugs being sold on his block. Chances are when you call 911 and a car comes out the drug folks will have taken off. If you bring that information to the PSA the Lt. will be able to tackle it in a more systematic way.
The next meeting for PSA1 is scheduled for May 22nd at Aria Health at 7PM. PSA1 services Frankford South of Bridge Street.
The next meeting for PSA2 is scheduled for May 17th at the Wissinoming Recreation Center (CHELTENHAM & HAWTHORNE) at 7PM. PSA2 serves Frankford North of Bridge Street.