We are organizing our Back-to-School Fair & Rally on August 24, from 9a.m. to 2p.m., at Frankford High School. The event is a community-wide opportunity for K-12 students from throughout the 179th District (includes Frankford, Olney, Hunting Park, Northwood and Burholme) and parents to gain access to information and resources needed for a successful school year. We plan to offer workshops on topics including but not limited to safety, healthy habits, parent engagement and reducing truancy. Meanwhile, students will get free haircuts and dental check-ups. Representatives from organizations will serve as vendors to provide information on the programs and services they offer. And during a Noon rally, attendees will be treated to music and appearances by local artists and radio personalities.
As representative of one of the poorest Legislative Districts in the state, Rep. Payton is committed to meeting the needs of his constituents by providing pertinent services and information. This is especially true within the realm of education. And one way he plans to do that, is by supplying families with much needed book bags and school supplies for the coming year. We can’t do it alone. We desperately need book bags, pens, pencils, binders, crayons, glue, highlighters, markers, colored pencils, index cards, calculators, rulers, folders, notebooks and loose leaf paper. We greatly appreciate any assistance. We will accept donations for grades K-12 up until the day before the event (August 23). Donors and supporters can drop off items at 4509 Frankford Avenue, call 215-744-7901 or email dtales@pahouse.net to schedule a pick-up.
Dafney Tales Special Events Coordinator State Representative Tony Payton, Jr. 179th Legislative District 4509 Frankford Avenue Philadelphia, Pa 19124 215-744-7901 dtales@pahouse.net