15th police district Captain John McCloskey attended the Frankford Civic Association meeting for the first time on Thursday, January 10th. There were over 30 residents in attendance to hear him speak. He was knowledgeable about the hot spots in Frankford as he went down the list of problems that have been encountered. The bar at Pratt and Frankford Avenue is in his sights for the drug and weapons violations that have occurred. 4721 Oxford Avenue has issues with weapons and alcohol. The take out beer joints are violating their working hours and he is seeking enforcement action against some of them. He intends to introduce more bike cops by the Spring time. He is bringing in vice to push back on the prostitution.
There were two zoning issues on the agenda. Owners of 5029 Charles Street need a variance to legalize an existing wall around their property. The civic voted to support the variance.
The application for a day care at 1829 Filmore had been discussed at a previous meeting. No presentation was made by the owners at that time. The owners were present at the meeting on the 10th but had not advised the civic that the wanted to make a presentation. They will be invited back for a future meeting. Their intention is to provide day care service in that area of Frankford which they believe is underserved at present.
Jason Dawkins on behalf of Councilwoman Sanchez office, was asked about the zoning issue at 1709 Gillingham Street where an auto repair business is located. The zoning issue was for the approval of an 8 foot high fence which the civic voted to support. The neighbors are complaining about the traffic resulting from the use of the property for auto repair which is legal. Jason offered to organize a community meeting where the residents and property owners can get together to work out a solution.
The Frankford NAC will be holding a zoning meeting to discuss two zoning issues at the 2nd Baptist Church on Thursday January 17th at 7PM. See this link for more information.
Pete Specos, who is on the board of the Northwood Frankford Community Y spoke about progress being made on bringing it back to life. Electrical service is now back on.
Lou Grow representing Turning Points for Children announced that there will be a community forum to introduce their service on February 13th at the Tacony Baptist Church.
The next meeting of the Frankord Civic Association will be held on February 7th at 7PM at Aria Hospital.