On May 18th we held our second annual perennial plant sale in our park as a fund raiser, and we planted our new flower bed around the shed. We had a small turnout but we made more money from our plant sale then last year! All of the plants came from 4 FOOP (Friends of Overington Park) member’s gardens. The rain held off until we were done. The JR ROTC came out to help as well as members of the Frankford Garden Club. Our thanks goes out to all the neighbors who came out to support our efforts in the park by buying a plant or two.
The new bed around the shed looks beautiful, but we have already had people pulling out what we put into the bed. It surprises us that the work we put into the park can be undone by a few bad people. Over the weekend someone came into the park and dug up a beautiful Hydrangea from our shade bed. How special for them to steal form everyone for their own enrichment. The Friends of Overington Park would like to hope that if anyone sees the destruction of our park, that they will step up and tell them to stop. We can only do so much to make this park a better place. We need everyone who enjoys the improvements in our park to make a stand about doing the right thing and protecting what we have planted for everyone to enjoy.
If you would like to do some good in our park come out and join us on our park work day Thursday’s from 9 till noon, we would love to see you there.
Diane Kunze, president, Friends Of Overington Park