The community can take pride in the Northwood Civic meeting held on June 21st for the large turnout, about 50, but more for the civil and business like way the potentially controversial issue of the zoning variance for 5114 Castor Avenue was discussed. Kudos to President Joe krause.
The issue was that the property was sold at auction to a new buyer as a duplex and he was not advised of the deed restriction limiting the use of the property to a single family. He added a third unit for use of the owner and wanted community approval to use the property as a triplex. The vote at the meeting was unanimous in opposition to that change.
Over 25 residents spoke on the issue and questioned the owner and his representative. There was no animosity and one resident said that the owner and his family would be welcomed to Northwood in the house as a single family dwelling but the conversion would damage the quality of life in Northwood. There was applause at that point.
A letter will go to the Zoning Board of Adjustment about the outcome of the meeting. However the issue of whether the house will continue use as a duplex is more complicated since there is an existing variance in place granting that use. The community may be forced to go to court against the owner in this case. The owner may have recourse against the bank who sold him the property without notifying him of the deed restriction.
Terry Heiser updated the meeting on the progress with traffic Calming on Castor Avenue. The bottom line is that it is coming. Step by step it will get done and should be completed by the end of Summer.
Laine Godsey, relatively recent home owner to the neighborhood, spoke as the organizer of the Friends of Northwood Park.
Mission Statement: The group is dedicated to creating a culturally vibrant gathering place that fosters community engagement and provides a welcoming and clean natural haven for all.
Preliminary Goals:
Clean-Up Day!
Trash cans (totaling 6 new cans for the park)
New Sign
Flower Bed Plantings at 3 entrances to the park and stump planters Host a “Movie in the Park” night for neighborhood families as our first Community Programming Event in July.
Reach out to The Food Trust about a Farmers Market in the park.
Partner with established Northwood Civic Association/Simpson Recreation Center
Long Term Goals:
Plant trees at the border of the park 2. Rebuild the Gazebo that was originally standing in the park 3. Host regular cultural events each summer-fall season, such as:
Yoga in the Park
Tot soccer
Movie Nights
Art Fair
Shakespeare in the Park (in partnership with Clark Park)
Farmer’s Market
Partner with Recreation Center to generate youth programming
Maintain the cleanliness of the park.
- Clean-up day: July 9 or July 23 2.
- July 7″ @ 7:00pm meet to discuss roles of Friends Group members
- August Movie Night
- September-Participate in City-wide Love Your Park day
The group will be using the Northwood Civic Association Facebook page for the time being and we will carry all their news on the Gazette calendar as well.
The next meeting of the Northwood Civic Association will be held on Tuesday, July 19th at 7 PM at St. James Lutheran Church at Castor Avenue and Pratt Streets.