This report is for Frankford in the PSA1 area. Frankford, between Bridge Street and Cheltenham Avenue, is in PSA2 and we can’t accurately break out those numbers. There have been at least 2 homicides in that area so far this year.
Taking a different look at the numbers to see if there is a trend.
Comparing the last four years: More people are being shot so far this year. Burglary is going down. Robbery going down. Homicide about the same. Theft is going down. Aggravated Assaults up. Crime with firearms up.
No more arrests for vagrancy and loitering. The theory is that this will free up the police to respond to more serious issues.
The bike patrols, as promised, have been implemented. You will see them primarily between Brill and Arrott Streets and from Penn to Duffield. They do drop in to other locations however, I noticed a group down on Orthodox at Trenton Avenue last week. The schedule varies so the bad guys can’t tell wen they will be swooping down on them.
Come to the next PSA1 meeting on September 22nd at 7 PM at the Bridesburg Boys and Girls Club at 1901 Bridge Street. Find out what is really happening, first hand.