The February Crime report for the 15th District PSA1 shows modest improvement compared with February of past years. Looking at the chart year to date through the end of February, you see aggravated assaults about even, burglary down, homicide same as last year, robbery down and thefts down. The big surprise to me was that firearm crimes have also dropped.
There were 410 crime incidents reported in February and 15 of those were not coded with a crime code. So the police responded to a call and a number was issued but no further information is available. Sometimes you see one or two of those in a month but not 13. The other curious thing is that they all took place on the 5200 block of Frankford Avenue which is the Frankford Transportation Center. I’ll be asking Captain Luca about that at the PSA meeting this Thursday.
Follow this link to the crime report summary and this link to the crime report details, all 410 of them.
Thanks to OpenDataPhilly for the data and Chris Sawyer for his excellent app Phillyblotter which makes tracking crime a lot easier.