At the Frankford NAC zoning meeting on June 13th residents voted to not support the application by the owners of 4719 Leiper Street for a Transitional Home (18) occupants in 6 units (single room residence). It was a unanimous vote 7 to 0 to oppose.
The issues raised:
- Nobody supported it and the block is already saturated by these so called transitional homes.
- This property owner had no prior experience.
- There is only one bathroom in a place where they will house 18 individuals.
- There is no action plan in case of an emergency (Mental, or otherwise).
- Could not guarantee that convicted criminals would not be in that building.
Frankford NAC and members of the NAC zoning board will be in attendance at the ZBA hearing to ensure that the desires of the Frankford community are expressed clearly.

4719 Leiper Street
The next Frankford NAC zoning meeting will be held on August 10th at 7 PM at Second Baptist Church, 1801 Meadow Street.