Historical Society of Frankford – Tue, October 10, 7:30pm, 1507 Orthodox Street – THE NATURAL WORLD UNDER GLASS -John Whitenight, www.underglassavictorianobsession.com – John is a retired art teacher and an avid collector, author, and lecturer on Victorian Glass Domes which were a prominent fixture in the parlors of many 19th Century homes. Within the domes were arrangements of dried flowers and wax fruit, as well as constructions from nature which included taxidermied birds, wildlife, and even deceased pets. The Historical Society’s collection of Victorian Parlor Domes from homes in Frankford will be displayed.
Free Nature Walk – Wed, October 11, 9:30 am, I St and Ramona Avenue – Join Environmental Educator Judith Gratz for this FREE nature walk. This month’s theme: “The materials of life used again and again” RSVP: Contact Doryán at doryan@ttfwatershed.org/215.744.1853
Ground Breaking of Frankford Pause Park- Wed, October 11, 3:30 pm, 4667 Paul Street -The much anticipated park next to the State Rep and Frankford CDC office is becoming a reality.
Neighborhood Advisory Committee Meeting – Thu, October 12, 7 pm, 4667 Paul Street – 5127 Duffield Street – Develop lot into Veterans housing, 4535 Tackawanna Street – Legalization of a five dwelling unit, 4410-16 Frankford Avenue – To be used as a Hall/ Entertain Events with food service
Taizé Prayer Evening – Fri, October 13, 7 pm, St Joachim’s Church, 1527 Church Street -Worship with us each Friday in October: 6, 13, 20 & 27 Taizé evenings consist of simple reflective songs in multiple languages to lead the community into prayer and praise. Fellowship will follow.
Adorar con nosotros cada Viernes en Octubre: 6, 13, 20 & 27 Noches de Taizé consiste en sencillo, pensativo canciones en multiples idiomas para guiar la comunidad hacia oración y alabanza. Compañerismo seguirá. Parking is available in the St. Joachim Church parking lot on Griscom Street, just around the corner from the church.