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Frankford NAC Five Cases This Month

Community Zoning Meeting – November 9, 2017, 4667 Paul Street 1st floor,  7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Join us and Vote!  On what happens in your neighborhood!

You must be 18 or older with ID to vote in these proceedings.

5127 Duffield Street – Develop lot into Veterans housing

5127 Duffield Street from Google Maps

4535 Tackawanna Street – Legalization of a five-dwelling unit

4535 Tackawanna Street from Google Street View

4416 Frankford Avenue – To be used as a Hall/ Entertain Events with food service

4410-16 Frankford Avenue

4938 Penn Street – Rooming house for six individuals

4938 Penn Street

4562 Hawthorne Street – Auto Repair shop

4562 Hawthorne Street

Eligible Voters: Community and Neighborhood Residents/ Residents must have ID in order to vote.