The PSA1 meeting on January 25th was well attended for a Winter meeting. Captain Luca Lt. Gordon and Officer Crosson were all present.
Luca started off with a recap of crime stats and as we all know crime in Frankford was at an all time low in 2017 except for homicide. Homicide was a problem, not only in Frankford but for the entire city. 2018 started out with an exceptional cold period so it is no surprise that crime was significantly down in January of this year as well.

Lt. Duane Gordon, Pete Specos, Officer Matt Crosson and Captain Anthony Luca take questions at the PSA1 meeting.
Captain Luca says that tips were very significant in the reduction of crime last year. People in the neighborhood know what is going on better than anybody. You may think that your information is useless because you don’t know everything. You may not know names or details but if you know something is going on that should not, the police would appreciate hearing about it. Your piece of information may help fill in a piece of the puzzle.
You can bring your information to the PSA meeting or DIAL – 215.686.TIPS (8477). Photo/Video Tips via Email – if you would like to submit a tip, including photo or video, send an email to tips@phillypolice.com. You can also go online at https://www.phillypolice.com/forms/submit-a-tip/.
The benefit of coming to the PSA meeting is more than hearing about crime. You get to establish a relationship with the police. A lot of the business of the PSA takes place in private conversations after the meeting is over. You can bring your issue directly to the people who can help. Even when the issue does not fall into their direct jurisdiction, such as a zoning or L&I issue, they will often intercede for you to get help. So if you have a problem, you want to meet these guys.
The next PSA1 meeting will be held on February 22nd at Jefferson Frankford Hospital. The March meeting will be held in Bridesburg at a date and location to be announced next month.