Harding Middle School from Google Street View
Dear Community Members and Potential Volunteers:
Harding Middle School will host a career day for our students on April 26th, 2018 from 9 am until 2 pm (time is dependent on number of volunteers and may change). Our goal is to expose our students to as many career options as possible before we send them off to high school. So many of our city high schools offer specialized programs based on student interests and we would like our students to be prepared to choose among them.
We are asking for your help to fill our career day spots. We are looking for volunteers to represent multiple fields – no volunteer will be turned away.
We have a specific need for CTE and public service fields. CTE refers to Career and Technical Education. These are hands-on work fields such as carpentry, mechanics, barbers, etc. Often these are fields that do not require college education, but do require technical training.
Volunteers should be able to get to Harding by 8:30 am at the latest on April 26th and should be prepared with visuals for their tables. Volunteers may also choose to provide students with handouts with additional information about their career or college experience.
If you, or someone you know, is interested in volunteering their time to support our mission, please contact Blair Downie at bdownie@philasd.org and provide the following information:
Education Experience:
Job Title:
Employer or Business Name:
Brief Job Description:
Years of Experience at Current Job:
Thank you in advance from our Harding family for your support as we continue to work diligently to prepare our students for high school and beyond. Feel free to reach out with any questions by sending an email to bdownie@philasd.org or by calling Harding at 215-400-3990 and leaving a message for Blair Downie.
Harding’s Leadership Team
School Based Teacher Leader – ELA and Social Studies
Harding Middle School
2000 Wakeling St, Philadelphia, PACheck out my DonorsChoose webpage!