Frankford CDC is hiring more corridor cleaners!
Thanks to Mayor Kenney and City Council’s Fiscal Year 2020 City Budget, which allocated an additional $2 million to corridor cleaning programs, organizations such as the Frankford CDC are able to increase their cleaning efforts. Without our elected officials and the advocacy of Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations, this would not be possible.
Corridor Cleaning Assistant Job Description
The Frankford CDC’s Corridor Cleaning Assistance program assists in the cleaning of sidewalks on the Frankford Avenue commercial corridor. Under this program, FCDC also undertakes public space maintenance activities, litter reduction campaigns and community engagement.
Duties of Corridor Cleaning Assistants:
- Clean the sidewalks and out to eighteen (18) inches in the streets; this area shall cover the curb and storm inlets.
- Clean all four (4) corners of any intersection found at the end of cleaning routes;
- Clean a minimum of twenty (20) feet along any secondary side streets that intersect with the primary commercial streets to be cleaned;
- Ensure that weeds or grass are no higher than eight (8) inches on all sidewalks along each route;
- Remove posters, stickers and other debris off street furniture including parking, telephone poles and traffic signs; and
- Assist with cleaning and maintenance of other public spaces and vacant lots on Frankford Avenue
- Assist with promotion of litter reduction campaigns and community engagement
- Track number of blocks cleaned and number of bags used during cleaning.
- Make 311 reports for all city related issues (i.e. graffiti, potholes, illegal dumping, etc.)
The above activities shall be performed in the commercial area from the 4200 block to the 5200 block of Frankford Avenue.
To apply contact Kimberly Washington at (215) 743 – 6580 or by email at kwashington.fcdc@gmail.com
To download the job description, click here.