- Sunday the 4th -Grand Army of the Republic Museum Open House – Noon – Presentation at 1:00 PM: Women of the North &; South in the Civil War”; Carol Neumann, R.N., M.S. Union League FREE and open to the public G.A.R. Civil War Museum &; Library 4278 Griscom St. Philadelphia, PA 19124 215-204-5452
- Sunday the 4th – Historical Society of Frankford – 1 to 4PM – Open Houses are held the first Sunday of each month from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm and offers members and interested guests the opportunity to learn about the area’s rich history. Closed January, February, July, August and September.
- Tuesday the 6th – Election day – Please vote
- Thursday the 8th – 7PM – Northwood Neighbors Association Meeting – Simpson Playground
Author: Gil
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)
The article in the Northeast Times this week made reference to a bill submitted by council people Savage, Krajewski and DiCicco. Our friends at Hallwatch.org have provided a link to the entire text of the bill.
The bill first defines Transit-Oriented Development as “encourages mixed-use, higher-density development near transit stations.” It then goes on to enumerate very detailed changes to the zoning code to implement this type of development.
The second part of the bill designates Frankford Avenue from Cheltenham Avenue to the Frankford Creek as the Frankford Transit-Oriented Development District.
It is not extremely long and with some patience you can make some sense of it, so take a look.
You might also take a look at this wikipedia entry and this site to for some additional information.
Savage pushes for Frankford to be Special again
This article from the Northeast Times outlines the steps taken by Councilman Savage to reauthorize the Frankford Special Services District and also legislation to amend the city’s zoning code, thus allowing creation of a classification to permit transit-oriented development.
We have a link over to the right that describes the concept and how it will repaint the picture of Frankford in the future.
Home of the week
Future of Frankford
This is a link to the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission document entitled Frankford Avenue Corridor Transit Oriented Development Plan. It is long and I haven’t read all of it but when you add this to the Frankford Greenway plan you can get a feel for what some people think Frankford will look like in the future. You can expect the next issue of the rezoning of the city will incorporate the concepts laid out in these plans.