Author: Gil
The Frankford Creek Greenway Master Plan
We are adding a link to the draft report on the Frankford Creek Greenway to the links list over to the right. Take a look at the potential future of Frankford as proposed by Greenways Inc. It is a very large pdf file that takes some time to load but it is well worth the wait. Take a look:
NTI demolitions continue
Frankford dad arrested for chaining his son to bedpost
After you read this story some may wonder why this guy didn’t get a commendation for at least trying to control his son. In any case read here at the Northeast Times:
Unidentified Homeless Man
The Northeast Times featured a story about the death of an unidentified homeless man in Frankford. We see them every day and yes manage to not really see them. this man was a fixture in Frankford for a long time and yet nobody knew him This is the link: