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Historical Society of Frankford Board Election

The Historical Society of Frankford held their Board Election one month late this year on April 12th at the monthly meeting.  Jim Young, Robert Penn, Laura Hortz-Stanton and Jerry Kolankiewicz all retained their seats.

Jim Young, President, presented his annual report of accomplishments which mainly entailed upgrading systems and structural repairs and the much needed repainting of the interior.  Details at this link.

Sara Brower, Secretary, gave the activity summary for 2015.  Read the details here.

You always meet interesting people at the HSF and this month was no exception. Michael Frechette digs privies.  He is not a professional archaeologist but does it for the love of finding interesting things.  You can read about his at this link to a story done by the Star last year.  The video below was our Periscope interview done on the spot.  Frechette is talking to the HSF about making a presentation at a future meeting.

The program was topped off with a presentation by Sara Brower on Robert Matlock who was the clerk who actually wrote by hand the Declaration of Independence.  See the video below that was done on Periscope so sorry but it is unedited but complete.





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You Can Never Be Sure You Know Who You Are

Frankford’s own Flag House Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution sponsored a genealogy workshop at the Historical Society of Frankford on April 9th with a full house of participants.  It was presented by Deborah Hershey, a certified genealogist and a member of the Harrisburg Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution.

This was an excellent presentation for the new genealogist which went into great detail on the documentation and process of how to really find out who you are.  With all of the electronic sources now available online, it is very easy to get lost in misinformation.

Also on the agenda was Sylvia Wilkins who gave a first hand account about her search for her ancestors and the pitfalls that you may encounter in the beginning.  You can read all about it at this PBS link.

This was well worth the price of admission and should become a popular annual event at the HSF.

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Timothy Matlock – Penman of the Declaration of Independence

of the original presentation made  before the
Historical Society of Frankford by Lincoln Cartledge in April of 1917…


7:30 PM,  Tuesday, April 12, 2016
at the
Historical Society of Frankford
1507 Orthodox Street
Philadelphia, PA 19124

The Annual Report will be presented and the election of
directors will be conducted.

All members are asked to attend.

Non-members are welcome.
Refreshments will be served.

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Need Help on Your Family Tree?


Historical Society of Frankford
1507 Orthodox Street   Philadelphia, PA 19124

Saturday, April 9, 2016
Starts promptly at 1:00pm  (2 hour program/workshop)

With DAR Genealogist Deborah Hershey

RESERVATIONS:  215-365-5550  $10 donation


Have you ever wondered about your ancestors?  How you became the person you are?

When you watch Who Do You Think You Are? on TV, do you wonder how to find out who your ancestors were – how you got here and where you came from?

Join DAR genealogist Deborah Hershey at the Historical Society of Frankford.  No skill needed – just a dar logodesire to discover those ancestors that are calling out to be found.  From Kings to Slaves, Princes to Paupers – start the great adventure into your own personal history now.  Materials and instructions will be provided to get you started – or, for those who have begun – help you move to the next generation

RESERVATIONS REQUIRED:  215-365-5550 (leave message).

Donation $10 at the door.   Light refreshments will be served.

Presented by Frankford’s own Flag House Chapter,  Daughters of the American Revolution

Deborah Hershey, Genealogist  – Harrisburg Chapter DAR

Ms Hershey, a member of the Harrisburg Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, has been a genealogist for over 35  years.  She has a certificate in family history from BYU, an  NSDAR Genealogic Consultant certificate, and has extensive experience in PA – particularly Central and Eastern PA.  She has completed many DAR/SAR/CAR/SR Lineage papers that have been accepted for membership. She is an NSDAR Genealogical Consultant, a member of the PSSDAR Speakers Bureau and Duart One-Name Study.  She also lectures/seminars on various topics of genealogical research..

Memberships:  Genealogical Association of PA; Association of Professional Genealogists; Capitol Area Genealogical Society; New England Historic Genealogical Society; Lancaster History Org; Derry Township Historical Society; Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society; Lycoming County Historical Society; Bradford County Historical Society; One-Name Study Guild; Dauphin County Historical Society; The Perry Historians; Scottish Society of Central PA