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Dyre and Griscom then and now

On one of my walking tours around the town I took a picture of one of the big old houses on Griscom Street. Then I remembered that somewhere I had an old picture showing the same house shortly after it was built. This was it a few days ago on a nice sunny morning:

This was how it appeared in about 1910. You can see that there were not many other houses in the neighborhood yet.

Somewhere along the way it has lost its magnificent wrap around porch that must have been a maintenance headache but otherwise looks very much as it did. A lot of history must have passed over that porch step in almost 100 years of living.

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Home of the week

Our home this week is a home to many. It is an apartment house on Penn Street. This building is immaculately maintained by the owners.

However, I must confess I know this building well since it was my first home when I moved back to Frankford many years ago. Then when my wife and I married we lived there on the top floor center for several years until we bought a house.

I got to know the owner at that time, John Corcoran. He showed me his old picture of the house as it was built. A unique old house of a style I could not name even today. It was significantly modified for conversion into apartments with a large addition in the rear. But the grand old main stairway was still there with the old dark wood banister that must have seen many a child sliding down its length.

I think John would be happy to see it looking so good today.

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Prisoner Re-entry Program

Thanks to our friends at, who are watching those folks down at City Hall, the text of a bill recently introduced and sponsored by the entire City Council is available online. It proposes to give tax credits to employers who hire prisoners released from Philadelphia prisons. This is the link thanks to Ed Goppelt. We would hope it would give some incentive to some of our Frankford citizens who have serve time to stay out of jail.

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Poll of the month

A new poll has been posted over to the right. Who do you want to be the next mayor of Philadelphia. Feel free to weigh in with your opinion.

Last month’s poll “Will the sale of the Third Federal building to NET be good for Frankford?” has been retired. For the record the results were:

  • Yes – 50%
  • No – 24%
  • Will make no difference – 26%
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Home of the week

Walking down Cheltenham Avenue a few weeks ago I found this very neat and clean row house. What attracted my attention was that the lawn and greenery were so well kept.

The thing that is the bane of a homeowners existence in Frankford is street trash. It does not belong to you. You did not buy that candy at the 7-11 or the cigar either but somehow the papers from them end up on your sidewalk. This conscientious homeowner cleans up the trash in front of his house and probably goes up and down a few doors just to make sure it all looks good.