Over on Phillyblog a post indicates some positive news: http://www.phillyblog.com/philly/showthread.php?t=39744
Category: Miscellaneous
I was happy to find that the mozaic web page is up and running tonight. I have it listed in the Frankford Business links section on the right or follow this link directly: http://www.mozaicrestaurant.com/
Northwood Civic Association
The Northeast Times today has a good article about the situation at the Northwood Civic Association. Read it here: http://www.northeasttimes.com/2007/0705/northwood.html
I buy houses – cash – quick closing

How do I explain this
A not uncommon sight but still worth stopping to watch is the trucker explaining to the police officer how he plans to get out of this mess. He was too high to continue under the El so he turned onto Wakeling and blocked the hospital entrance. He had nowhere to go since Wakeling is one way at the end of that little stretch and he was too long to make a turn onto Griscom. I didn’t stay to see how it was resolved.