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The Neighborhood Parenting Program

The Neighborhood Parenting Program is sponsoring a Free Bus Trip to The Garden State Discovery Museum on Saturday, May 10th, 2008 from 9 am to 2 pm for parents and their young children.


The Garden State Discovery Museum is a hands-on museum for young children. It offers fifteen larger-than-life, kid powered interactive exhibit areas. You’ll be able to get inside of a gigantic bubble, scale a rock climbing wall, bandage a wounded teddy bear, whip up a pretend exotic meal at the Discovery Diner or build a two-story house! Space is limited. First come, first served! Pack a brown bag lunch to eat there for you and your children.


The Neighborhood Parenting Program, a part of Frankford Group Ministry, provides parenting classes, trips and activities for parents and their children age 12 and under.  We are located at 4620 Griscom St., Philadelphia, PA 19124.


In Person registration required, please contact Rebecca Daniel at 215-744-2990 x212.

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Northwood Civic Association meeting

Tom Waring reports this week in the Northeast Times on the Northwood Civic Association meeting held on April 15th.  You can read the entire article here.

I was not aware until I read the article of the meeting tomorrow night, April 24th, at Frankford High School.  The subject being:

“The state Department of Transportation will hold a public meeting on Thursday, April 24, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Frankford High School.
PennDOT will provide information and ask for comment on projects to improve Interstate 95 and the Bridge Street and the Betsy Ross Bridge/Aramingo Avenue interchanges.”

They may discuss the long awaited connection of I-95 to Torresdale Avenue.  It’s only been on the drawing board since the 1960s.  We’ll see.

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Frankford Business and Professional Association

Jon Campisi, of the Northeast Times, reports this week on the most recent meeting of the Frankford Business and Professional Association.  The subject of the revitalization of the business corridor was discussed extensively. 

The group discussed using ideas in a report by the Urban land Institure (Ten Principles for Rebuilding Neighborhood Retail) as a starting point.  While it may seem like we have been down this road before, this is a new group of people very focussed on success.  Do not fall into that old comfortable cynicism that makes it easier to sit back and do nothing. 

Read the entire article from the Northeast Times here and also the report by the Urban Land Institute here.