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Frankford Works Project


Philadelphia, PA – State Senator Christine Tartaglione (D-Philadelphia) is pleased to announce that 1320 Pine Street BJ Venture 1 LP, developer of the Frankford Works project at 2127 Gillingham Street, has been awarded a $50,000 Watershed Restoration and Protection Program grant from the Commonwealth for stormwater management in a newly restored mixed-use campus.

Frankford Works is a project aimed at the rehabilitation of seven former warehouse buildings originally built circa 1922 in an industrial area of Frankford. The project will recreate the space to transform it from an old warehouse and factory complex into bright, open units serving the community as live/work opportunities for small businesses and organizations.

“Projects like Frankford Works are forward-thinking and vital as many of Philadelphia’s neighborhoods continue the difficult transition from the city’s industrial past into the economy of the future,” Senator Tartaglione said. “I am thrilled to deliver this funding from the Commonwealth that will bring commerce and jobs to the community while helping to protect our water supply.”

The state funding will be used to mitigate stormwater flows leaving the site. Work will include the installation of a 1,060-square-foot rain garden/ponding area for stormwater storage. The potential capture area for the rain garden is 14,850 square feet of impervious surface. In addition, an existing semi-impervious courtyard will be converted into green space to filter runoff, cool air temperatures, reduce energy consumption, and improve air quality. The total project cost is $120,000.

The Watershed Restoration and Protection Program was created under Act 13 of 2012, through which the Commonwealth Financing Authority distributes a portion of the Marcellus Legacy Fund. The overall goal of the Program is to restore and maintain streams impaired by the uncontrolled discharge of polluted runoff, and ultimately to remove these streams from the state’s Impaired Waters list. For information, visit

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Virtual Community Design Workshop

Virtual Community Design Workshop

We are inviting all community members to take part in a virtual design workshop for the Frankford Library.  The upcoming workshop will be hosted online via Zoom on Thursday, May 6 from 6:30 pm – 8pm.  During the workshop, community members will meet with the project team. This includes the project manager, architect and Free Library staff. Community members will be able to share their priorities and goals for an updated building design with the team.

All are welcome! If you, or someone you know, needs interpretation in a language other than English, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing
To RSVP and receive the zoom workshop information, please email
We look forward to seeing you there!

Community Initiative Specialist
Northeast Neighborhood Libraries

267-334-5646 |

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The Civil War and the Santa Fe Trail

Presents a New Program via ZOOM 
Sunday, May 2, 2021 at 1:00 p.m.
              “The Civil War and the Santa Fe Trail (at its 200th Anniversary)”
By Deb Goodrich, historian, author, researcher, preservationist and Museum member.
The Santa Fe Trail was among the first international trade routes in the United States. While the main route led from the new state of Missouri to Santa Fe in the newly liberated country of Mexico, feeder trails came from ports in the Northeast and New Orleans. It became the “interstate highway” of the time and an important military road. As such, it was the scene of incidents during Bleeding Kansas and the Civil War that, while being far from the center of the War in the East, was nonetheless an integral piece of that conflict.
Deb Goodrich is the Chair of the Santa Fe Trail 200, the bicentennial of this historic route to be commemorated between 2021-2025. She is the Garvey Texas Foundation Historian in Residence at the Fort Wallace Museum, Wallace, KS, and the host of Around Kansas TV Show. Deb has appeared in numerous documentaries including The American Experience and AHC’s Gunslingers. She is the author of Kansas Forts and Bases (with Michelle Martin) and The Civil War in Kansas. Deb is writing a biography of Vice President Charles Curtis, enrolled in the Kaw Nation and first Republican Senate Majority Leader.
Please send a request to reserve a virtual seat for this outstanding presentation by replying to this e-mail at
You will be sent a link with a password that will enable you to access the program within 24 hours of the start of the presentation.
As a lover of history, you know how critical it is to keep history alive, especially today!  We very much appreciate your continued support for the GAR Civil War Museum
A FREE virtual program online 
Historic Ruan Mansion • 4278 Griscom Street• Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19124 •

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We Plan to Make Them Listen

SEPTA has made promises about development at the Frankford Transportation Center.

Press Conference on Monday, April 26, 11am, corner of Frankford and Pratt.

The Philadelphia2035 Plan, developed in 2011 with community input stated that FTC would be an ideal location for a new health center. Since 2016, the Frankford CDC and the City have been working to bring new development and a new supermarket to the old Holiday Thriftway site at FTC. Despite this, the Health Department secretly made plans to build the new health center at Friends Hospital without even considering FTC. The Friends Hospital site is inaccessible to many — patients must either drive or cross the Boulevard on foot! The Health Department’s current plans do not pay attention to the needs of communities, and Commissioner Farley has threatened to kill the new Health Center project if people make a fuss!
We plan to make them listen.


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One Of Us


I said I’d be there when the band starts playing.
I said I’d be there when they turn the lights down low.
I don’t know how you’re feeling, but one of us have to let go.

There comes a time when the journey is over, and one of us must take the high road.
So, just remember when the band stops playing, one of us have to let go.
You think there is no tomorrow, just like someone has just closed the door. You get all wrapped up in your feelings, thinking this is not how it’s supposed to go.

So, when the music stops playing, and they turn the lights down low,
Just remember that this is not the way it’s supposed to be,
But one of us must let go.