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You Need A Plan


When you plan a trip, don’t forget you always need a plan.
If you get stuck in the desert or on a dark Winding Road.
Then you would say to yourself, if I only had a plan.
The only way to make it day by day is to always have a plan.
Don’t wake up with nothing to do, sit back and make a plan.
So, you can make it, through the highs and the lows of the day, you need to have a plan.
If you intend to be successful in this land, you have to have a plan.
Don’t think that luck will get you where you want to go, you have to have a plan.
You can’t sit back and dream of luxury, unless you have a plan.
Because a plan will give you the structure of the person you want to be.
A plan is not structured on luck and dreams.
It’s the golden gates to your future, that’s why you need to have a plan – not a dream.
From the outhouse to the White House – “you need to have a plan.”


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When you need somebody, that somebody has to need you.
When you want somebody, that somebody has to need and want you.
When you love somebody, that somebody has to need and love you too.
In this world of uncertainty, you have to know what you need, to be able to make it through life. “It’s all about what you need.”
When you’re struggling through life, and you don’t know what you need. Just look up to the sky and say God – I’m in need.
He’ll show you the way to a brighter day and give you everything you need.
Just call out His name, there is no shame. Cuz God will give you all that you need.
Just call out His name there is no shame. He will give you everything you need.
Because He’s the one that raises the Sun and pulls the curtains down at dawn.
When you believe in Him, He’ll show you He can be more than a friend, and a friend to all those in need.


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On My Own


I don’t believe you left me without saying a word.
I know we had some differences, and I know there were times we didn’t agree.
But how did you leave me without saying a word.
I knew there were times that we struggled, but leaving without a word.
What could I have done so terrible, that made you want to leave.
Could it be that I’ve become so unpredictable, that you just had to leave.
I guess you were trying to show me that I can stand up on my own.
I know it’s been a long time since you left me.
But I’ve learned to stand up on my own.


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Fork in the Road


When life gets dark and we lose control, and we stop and look at the fork in the road.
I’ll say to myself, which way should I go.
If I go to the left, that would take me home.
If I go to the right, will I continue to roam, into a life where no man should go.
I’m stuck in confusion, and no one should know. I’m standing here at the fork in the road.
Once upon a Time a wise man once said: Follow Your Shadow it’ll take you home, follow the wind and you will continue to roam.
So make your decision, even though it may be hard – when you’re standing at – the fork in the road.