When you plan a trip, don’t forget you always need a plan.
If you get stuck in the desert or on a dark Winding Road.
Then you would say to yourself, if I only had a plan.
The only way to make it day by day is to always have a plan.
Don’t wake up with nothing to do, sit back and make a plan.
So, you can make it, through the highs and the lows of the day, you need to have a plan.
If you intend to be successful in this land, you have to have a plan.
Don’t think that luck will get you where you want to go, you have to have a plan.
You can’t sit back and dream of luxury, unless you have a plan.
Because a plan will give you the structure of the person you want to be.
A plan is not structured on luck and dreams.
It’s the golden gates to your future, that’s why you need to have a plan – not a dream.
From the outhouse to the White House – “you need to have a plan.”