We have a new link over to the right going to the Grand Army of the Republic Museum and Library web site. Check them out and then write a check for membership to support this great institution.
Happenings at Mozaic next week
The Butch Ballard Trio will be performing at mozaic this Saturday, June 2nd. from 7PM – 11PM. Reservations are recommended.
Mozaic’s Specials:
- Cuban Sandwich (BYOB suggestion – a riesling from Alsace.)
- Southwest Chicken (BYOB suggestion – a Spanish Rioja or a big chardonnay from sunny California.)
- Salmon en Chemise – (BYOB suggestion – a rose [sorry, I’m unable to insert accented characters] from Provence or any full-bodied white. any low-tannin reds like Cotes-du-Rhone Villages or barbera, a fruity Italian red.
- Homemade Pineapple Upside Down Cake
Wednesday, June 6th. 6PM – 8PM – Gallery Night Check out the new exhibit. Meet the artist. Meet your neighbors. Wine and cheese buffet. Listen to the poet. Bring your axe and jam if you are so inclined.
Peace,Joan Oliveto
mozaic 4524 Frankford Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19124215-535-5040
mozaic is a BYOB restaurant/gallery featuring live jazz every Saturday night and wallet-friendly fine dining.
There are occasional discussions about Frankford on phillyblog.com. One running now is whether Frankford is a jewel in the northeast. That title might not be quite accurate. Frankford is a work in progress. Some posters believe Frankford is continuing to deteriorate others see signs that it is beginning to come back. It is interesting that few of the posters live in Frankford.
This is the link to the current discussion: http://www.phillyblog.com/philly/showthread.php?t=37379
Frankford Festival
This article is from the New Gleaner of May 22, 2007. While celebrating the success of the festival it notes the turnout was not what it should been. The festival was never publicized the way it should have been. The leadership needs to take a hard look at the purpose of this festival and decide if it indeed fulfills that purpose. It looks to be a perfect opportunity to turn around the perception of Frankford and that can’t be done if people do not know about it.
Celebrating Frankford
By William Rice; Staff Writer; wrice@newsgleaner.com
Despite a late day rain out, organizers agreed that this year’s Frankford Festival was a great success.”I think it went great,” said Tracy O’Drain, chair of the festival coalition for the Frankford Community Development Corporation. “The activities for the kids were great. We had pretty much used up all of our activities and resources for the kids by the time it was over. And I take that as a good sign.”
For its eighth year in action, the Frankford Festival entertained the community with activities from local organizations and businesses, free food and drinks, and a variety of music.
Included in the activities were an Armed Forces Day Celebration by the Historical Society of Frankford, a poster contest sponsored by Third Federal Bank, a Family Fun Day celebration complete with a storyteller by the Frankford Library, and a special gardening demonstration by the Frankford Garden Club.
“I’m really pleased with this year’s festival,” O’Drain said. “I’m really excited about how well it went.”
In addition to the special events and activities, local businesses also set up shop all along Frankford Avenue. “I think this is wonderful,” said Republican mayoral candidate and President of the Greater Northeast Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce Al Taubenberger. “This truly shows the fun part of economic development. And it really helps to promote a lot of the businesses, new and old, in the area.”
Taubenberger was joined at the festival by his opponent Democratic mayoral candidate Michael Nutter. Also present were State Rep. Tony Payton (D-179) and 7th district city council candidate Maria Quinones Sanchez. “I think the Frankford Festival is an opportunity to rebuild that sense of community that’s missing and although we didn’t have a the turn out we’d have liked to see, I’m glad we have new leadership in the area with myself and Maria Quinones Sanchez,” Payton said. “We’ll really get the chance to build that sense of community that the festival represents.”
“It’s a fabulous event,” Sanchez said. “I think it went well. I’m glad that the weather held up for so long. It’s one of those events that are really about the community. And I look forward to working with the Frankford professional community to help promote Frankford as a perfect venue for businesses.”
The festival originated in the late 90s as a part of the Frankford plan to revitalize the neighborhood. Although it started as an arts festival it soon branched out into a family-oriented day filled with activities for kids, adults, and local businesses. “The idea really is to provide the Frankford community with a great family day,” O’Drain said. “And I think we accomplished that this year. And we’re looking forward to next year.”
I’m trying to compile a comprehensive list of links to organizations in Frankford. Any suggestions are welcome.