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Ike and Kat Giving Back to the Village

It was hot soup on a cold Martin Luther King Day of Service as Ike and Kat Hardy went right to the people.  They set up shop early Monday morning at Frankford and Margaret and within a few hours had given out over 200 cups of soup.

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It is typical of this couple to just do what needs to be done.  They are always there when someone needs help and they know the community.  It is no accident they call Kat Hardy “Mayor” in the neighborhood.

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Frankford Marks MLK Memory

The 31st annual Dr. Martin Luther King breakfast celebration was held at Frankford Friends School on January 16th this year.

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It was a fitting venue to remember a man of peace who somehow managed to save us from the darkness that shrouded our society.  That darkness was the cloud of racism.

I lived through the 60s in Philadelphia in what was a mostly segregated city.  It was a time throughout the entire country that could have torn us apart.  People were demanding justice and Dr. king saw that the best way to reach that end was non violently.

His opponents saw it differently and we witnessed the violence that was done to people who were merely asking for their rights.

King lead us out of that and into the light.  We are far from the ideal but he set us on the road.  This annual celebration is an event that all races should embrace.  Without King’s leadership during that time, the forces of darkness might have taken us on a much different path.  We all owe him.


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29th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Breakfast Celebration

The Frankford Coalition of Neighbors announces the Twenty-Ninth Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast Celebration in Frankford. The FREE event is held at Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter School located at 4290 Penn Street, on the corners of Church and Penn Streets on Monday, January 19, 2015.

The doors open at 8:30 a.m. for this unique event which offers Frankford Residents, Neighborhood-based Organizations, Educational Institutions, Religious Congregations, Small Business Owners, Community Activists and anyone seeking information about improving their quality of life and better relations among diverse groups within the Frankford neighborhood. With a theme that asks “What would Dr. King hope for in 2015?”, this celebration includes a free breakfast, youth performances and community information.

In lieu of a keynote speaker, we are highlighting a commentary by youth leaders from Sankofa Freedom Academy upper school about the “Black Lives Matter” campaign and their participation in the recent racially inspired protests. Performances and program participants include Frankford High School ROTC and Dance Group, and Sankofa Freedom Academy.

The Frankford Coalition of Neighbors is a civic organization working to improve relations among the diverse economic, racial and ethnic groups in Frankford, while promoting volunteerism and community coalition. The MLK Celebration is an expression of the Coalition’s mission, which hopes to generate positive social change in order to create a more just, responsive, peaceful and cooperative community for all Frankford residents.

For any additional information on the event, or to volunteer, call 215-744-9170.

Call Jennifer Powell-Folks for information at 267-257-1670.

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27th Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Breakfast Celebration

Well over 100 people crowded into the Sankofa Freedom Academy on Monday for the 27th Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Breakfast Celebration sponsored by the Frankford Coalition of Neighbors.  It is a signature Frankford event that brings everyone together.  Coincidentally on the same day as the inauguration of the first African American president, the timing was perfect.  We have a short slide show below along with some comments by Councilwoman María Quiñones-Sánchez.


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26th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Breakfast Celebration

There is no freedom without justice and so we marked Monday with the celebration of a man who worked for justice for all.  I could not stay for the entire event which was held at the Sankofa Freedom Academy but I did get to catch some pictures of a congenial crowd of folks who came together in celebration.  The Frankford Coalition of Neighbors, with a long list of volunteers, put together a great program oriented at the youth of our community.


Thanks to Jennifer Powell-Folks, Steve Blackburn, Frankford High School ROTC, Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter School, Frankford Friends School, Ken’s Restaurant and Catering, Janet Bernstein, Campbell AME Church and Dr. Ayesha Imani, Diane Blum, Marie Butler, 1Sgt. Joe Fraioli, Johnnie Mae Parker, Natoya Travers, Helen Waller, Connie Whitmore, Councilwoman Maria Quinones-Sanchez, State Representative Tony Payton, Frankford Garden Club and Aria Health for a job well done.