- Frankford Parks Group When – Mon, November 22, 6pm – 7pmWhere – Second Baptist Church – 1801 Meadow St. Phila. PA 19124 (map)
- Northeast Philadelphia EPIC Stakeholders Group
When – Thu, November 25, 5:30pm – 7:30pmWhere – Aria Hospital’s Frankford Campus (4900 Frankford Avenue) in the 2nd floor meeting room Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)Description – The ultimate goal is to create a process that enhances the community’s ability to solve issues surrounding truancy, domestic violence, child safety and substance abuse.
- Longwood Gardens Trip
When – Fri, November 26, 1:30pm – 9:00pmWhere – Longwood Gardens (map)Description – The Frankford Garden Club is sponsoring a Trip to Longwood Gardens for the Holiday Experience – Sing-a-Longs, Gospel Choir, Lighted Trees, Fountains, and more Poinsettias than you have ever seen in a gorgeous display of Holiday themed gardens in the Fabulous Longwood Gardens Conservatories. Friday, November 26, 2010 We will be Leaving via Yellow School Bus from Frankford (at the Corner of Griscom and Orthodox Streets) at 1:30 pm, we will be back in Frankford by 9:00 pm Frankford Garden Club Members – $5 / person – includes both Admission and Bus Guests (non-members) – $12 / person – includes both Admission and Bus Please call or email ASAP to Reserve your seat! Janet Bernstein at 267-982-9620 or jamberstone@gmail.com or Johnnie Mae Parker, 215-537-0145
When – Fri, November 26, 7pm – Sat, November 27, 12amWhere – Colleen’s at the Savoy Caterers, 1444 Rt. 73 North, Pennsauken, NJ 08110 (map)Description – Calling all graduates! Come and enjoy an evening of fun and reminiscing with fellow grads of the Red, Blue and Gold on Friday, November 26th, 2010 at Colleen’s at the Savoy Caterers, 1444 Rt. 73 North, Pennsauken, NJ 08110, 856-317-1000. Enjoy dinner, dancing and live music featuring the “FM Band.” GROUPS OF 10+ ORDER TICKETS NOW!! DON’T WAIT!! The cost is $60.00/person. Price includes cost of history/program book. Open seating, Cash Bar. (When purchasing multiple tickets for a table of special friends, please attach their names & graduation year to the order form.) Visit our website at frankfordalumni.com to download an order form now. For more information: Terry Tobin Treasurer 215-331-3644
- Frankford Civic Association Meeting
When – Thu, December 2, 7pm – 8pmWhere – 2nd floor conference room, Aria Health, 4900 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)
- Grand Army of the Republic Museum Open House
When – Sun, December 5, 12pm – 5pmWhere – 4278 Griscom Street, Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)Description – Presentation at 1:30 PM: Victorian Christmas Customs Jane Peters-Estes
- Endangered City
When – Fri, December 10, 6pm – 10pmWhere – Globe Dye Works (map)Description – A benefit for the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia http://gedoproject.blogspot.com/
- Historical Society of Frankford program
When – Tue, December 14, 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Where – 1507 Orthodox St., Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)
- Christmas Caroling
When – Fri, December 17, 7pm – 8pmWhere – Overington Park (map)
Tag: frankford high school
Computer and Information Expo for Parents!
The School District of Philadelphia invites all district parents to participate in free computer classes and parent workshops this coming Saturday at University City High School. Free breakfast and childcare available. You must register by calling 215-400-4180 or online at http://webgui.phila.k12.pa.us/offices/p/publicengagement/parent-university-of-the-school-district-of-philadelphia. All classes start at 9:00 AM and end at Noon! Check it out!!
Coming Up in Frankford
- Love Your Park When – Sat, November 13, 10am – 1pmWhere – Overington Park, Leiper and Orthodox Streets (map)Description This Saturday from 10 till 1 is, ‘Love Your Park’ fall clean up. We will be cleaning up and mulching our beds and trees for the winter. We will be raking up leaves and bagging them, digging out our tender bulbs, adding compost and mulch. We need as many hands as we can get, so come out and work with you neighbors, putting our park to bed for the winter. Water and pretzels will be served at the end of our clean-up to our volunteers. Thanks again for all your support, Diane Kunze, Friend of Overington Park
- Turkey Bingo
When – Sat, November 13, 5pm – 9pmWhere – St. Joachim Church, 1527 Church St. Philadelphia (map)Description – Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court St. Francis De Sales #2617 is hosting a Turkey Bingo at St. Joachim Church, 1527 Church St. Philadelphia on Saturday November 13, 2010 from 5PM to 9PM. Cost of admission is $20.00 and includes bingo cards, hot dog, chip, drink, and cake, and door prize ticket. We will also have baskets to raffle, 50-50, and additional food for purchase. If you bring a non-perishable food item for our food cupboard, you get a free raffle ticket. For information call St. Joachim 215-535-0580
- Northwood Civic Association Meeting
When – Tue, November 16, 7pm – 8pmWhere – St. James Lutheran Church, at Castor Avenue and Pratt Street. (map)
- Frankford Parks Group
When – Mon, November 22, 6pm – 7pmWhere – Second Baptist Church – 1801 Meadow St. Phila. PA 19124 (map)
- Northeast Philadelphia EPIC Stakeholders Group
When – Thu, November 25, 5:30pm – 7:30pmWhere – TBADescription – The ultimate goal is to create a process that enhances the community’s ability to solve issues surrounding truancy, domestic violence, child safety and substance abuse.
When – Fri, November 26, 7pm – Sat, November 27, 12amWhere – Colleen’s at the Savoy Caterers, 1444 Rt. 73 North, Pennsauken, NJ 08110 (map)Description – Calling all graduates! Come and enjoy an evening of fun and reminiscing with fellow grads of the Red, Blue and Gold on Friday, November 26th, 2010 at Colleen’s at the Savoy Caterers, 1444 Rt. 73 North, Pennsauken, NJ 08110, 856-317-1000. Enjoy dinner, dancing and live music featuring the “FM Band.” GROUPS OF 10+ ORDER TICKETS NOW!! DON’T WAIT!! The cost is $60.00/person. Price includes cost of history/program book. Open seating, Cash Bar. (When purchasing multiple tickets for a table of special friends, please attach their names & graduation year to the order form.) Visit our website at frankfordalumni.com to download an order form now. For more information: Terry Tobin Treasurer 215-331-3644
- Frankford Civic Association Meeting
When – Thu, December 2, 7pm – 8pmWhere – 2nd floor conference room, Aria Health, 4900 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)
Coming Up in Frankford
- Grand Army of the Republic Museum Open House When – Sun, November 7, 12pm – 5pmWhere – 4278 Griscom Street, Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)Description – Presentation at 1:30 PM:‘Meet Captain Percival Drayton, U.S. Navy’ – [Jack Lieberman, Captain USN (ret.) ] Drayton was South Carolina born from a wealthy Plantation family and a veteran of the U.S. Navy. He exemplifies the dilemma that Southern Unionists faced when he opposed his own brother Thomas, a Confederate General in battle at Port Royal Sound on November 7, 1861.
- Frankford Special Services District Board Meeting
When – Mon, November 8, 8:30am – 9:30amWhere – St. Mark’s Church, 4442 Frankford Ave, Griscom Street entrance. (map)Description – Open to the public
- Historical Society of Frankford program
When – Tue, November 9, 7:30pm – 9:00pmWhere – 1507 Orthodox St., Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)Description – VETERAN GUARD, 3rd REGIMENT INFANTRY The Veteran Guard, Third Regiment Infantry, National Guard of PA, the Historical and Ceremonial Unit of the National Guard of PA, was established in 1747 by Benjamin Franklin, serving as the first organized military unit in PA and the beginning of both the State Militia and National Guard. This historic unit maintains its headquarters in NE Phila at the PA National Guard Armory. The members of its Color Guard, attired in authentic circa 1812 uniforms, will share its history and present its United States Flag-folding ceremony. Veterans and non-veterans alike are invited, as are all area VFW & American Legion Post members.
- Turkey Bingo
When – Sat, November 13, 5pm – 9pmWhere – St. Joachim Church, 1527 Church St. Philadelphia (map)Description – Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court St. Francis De Sales #2617 is hosting a Turkey Bingo at St. Joachim Church, 1527 Church St. Philadelphia on Saturday November 13, 2010 from 5PM to 9PM. Cost of admission is $20.00 and includes bingo cards, hot dog, chip, drink, and cake, and door prize ticket. We will also have baskets to raffle, 50-50, and additional food for purchase. If you bring a non-perishable food item for our food cupboard, you get a free raffle ticket. For information call St. Joachim 215-535-0580
- Northwood Civic Association Meeting
When – Tue, November 16, 7pm – 8pmWhere – St. James Lutheran Church, at Castor Avenue and Pratt Street. (map)
- Frankford Parks Group
When – Mon, November 22, 6pm – 7pmWhere – Second Baptist Church – 1801 Meadow St. Phila. PA 19124 (map)
- Northeast Philadelphia EPIC Stakeholders Group
When – Thu, November 25, 5:30pm – 7:30pmWhere – Edmunds School, 1197 Haworth St. Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)Description – The ultimate goal is to create a process that enhances the community’s ability to solve issues surrounding truancy, domestic violence, child safety and substance abuse.
When – Fri, November 26, 7pm – Sat, November 27, 12amWhere – Colleen’s at the Savoy Caterers, 1444 Rt. 73 North, Pennsauken, NJ 08110 (map)Description – Calling all graduates! Come and enjoy an evening of fun and reminiscing with fellow grads of the Red, Blue and Gold on Friday, November 26th, 2010 at Colleen’s at the Savoy Caterers, 1444 Rt. 73 North, Pennsauken, NJ 08110, 856-317-1000. Enjoy dinner, dancing and live music featuring the “FM Band.” GROUPS OF 10+ ORDER TICKETS NOW!! DON’T WAIT!! The cost is $60.00/person. Price includes cost of history/program book. Open seating, Cash Bar. (When purchasing multiple tickets for a table of special friends, please attach their names & graduation year to the order form.) Visit our website at frankfordalumni.com to download an order form now. For more information: Terry Tobin Treasurer 215-331-3644
- Frankford Civic Association Meeting
When – Thu, December 2, 7pm – 8pmWhere – 2nd floor conference room, Aria Health, 4900 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)