October is “Parent Appreciation Month” throughout the School District. We are sharing with you a calendar of activities that will inspire you to get involved in your (our) schools and lend your voice to educating the children of our neighborhood and city.
Tag: frankford high school
Frankford High School is Hosting “Back to School Night”!
Hot Topic – Helping Your Child Get a Summer Job!
Happy 100th Birthday Frankford High School
I stopped in on Saturday to attend the open house in honor of Frankford High’s (Oxford Avenue and Wakeling Street, Philadelphia, PA 19124) 100th birthday. I was never a student there but how often can you go to any high school’s 100th birthday. Not many get to that age. You can read the Inquirer take on the event here.
The doors opened at 10AM but I waited till 10:30 for the official program in the auditorium before I got there. I took the video camera but really didn’t think there would be much to see. Speeches make lousy video. Two hours later, I had too much video and was tired from walking the halls and bumping shoulders with the throngs of alumni.
The program in the auditorium included comments from Arlene Ackerman, Superintendent of public schools, Maria Quinones-Sanchez, Philadelphia City Councilwoman, Jorge Santana, Chief of Staff for Tony Payton, State representative and Thomas Mills, President of the Frankford High Alumni Association. Principal Reginald Fisher kept the program moving along.
The program opened with the striking of the colors and singing of the National Anthem accompanied by the school’s pipe organ. the speeches followed and then there was entertainment. Following the entertainment Mr. Fisher asked alumni from various class eras to stand up. The earliest class represented was a gentleman from the class on 1932. (that would put him in his 90’s) He was the only attendee from the 30s. All the other decades were well represented.
After the program I walked the halls watching people. There were some great displays in the library that everyone seemed to enjoy. Lunch in the cafeteria must have felt like going back in time for many of these folks. I had a quick look at the kitchen and dining room that was remade by Rachael Ray. And then I was off to another assignment.
The Frankford High school building is a gem in the rough. The details that you will never find in a contemporary school are worth a tour any day; stained glass windows, murals, high ceilings, beautiful woodwork. The pipe organ is one of Frankford’s hidden treasures. It should be open for community concerts.
The video follows below. It is 10 minutes long.
Coming Up in Frankford
- Frankford Special Services District Board Meeting When – Mon, May 3, 8:30am – 9:30amWhere – St. Mark’s Church, 4442 Frankford Ave, Griscom Street entrance. (map)Description – Open to the public.
- Rachael Ray Shines on Frankford High
When – Mon, May 3, 10am – 11amWhere – TV ABC (map)Description – Rachael Ray show comes to Frankford.
- PSA 1 meeting
When – Tue, May 4, 7pm – 8pmWhere – Aria Health, Frankford and Dyre Streets, second floor conference room (map)Description – Patrol Sector Area 1 – bring your crime issues directly to the 15th district captain.
- Frankford Garden Club Annual Day-Before-Mother’s Day Plant Sale
When – Sat, May 8, 9am – 10amWhere – In Front of the Frankford Library, corner of Frankford Ave and Overington St (map)Description – We will have “Growing from Seed” Workshop at the Sale and at the Park VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
- LOVE Your Park Day in Overington Park Planting, Mulching Flower Beds and “Growing From Seeds” Workshop
When – Sat, May 8, 12pm – 3pmWhere – Overington Park (map)Description – LOVE Your Park Day in Overington Park Planting, Mulching Flower Beds and “Growing From Seeds” Workshop
- Historical Society of Frankford program
When – Tue, May 11, 7:30pm – 9:00pmWhere1507 Orthodox St., Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)Description – FRANKFORD’s “SLOW FOOD” EFFORTS and LEGACY HSF Collections and Frankford Friends School Students HSF’s 2010 exhibit features aspects of food in Frankford and the Northeast. Frankford Friends School students have been researching food, urban farming (such as Kensington’s Greensgrow Farms — national leader in urban farming), and other aspects of slow food. View HSF’s display of historic food use, preparation, and storage items.
- Frankford Business & Professional Association Meeting
When – Wed, May 12, 8:30am – 10:00amWhere – Northeast Treatment Centers, 4625 Frankford Avenue (map)Description – The next general meeting for Frankford Business & Professional Association will be held on Wednesday, May 12 at 8:30am. There was a scheduling conflict with the previous locations. At this meeting there will be presentations from SEPTA on the upcoming construction of the Margaret-Orthodox El Stop and from The Enterprise Center on the programs they now offer for Frankford businesses.
- Happy Birthday Frankford High Open House
When – Sat, May 15, 10am – 3pmWhere – Frankford High, Oxford Ave. & Wakeling St. Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)Description – Join us for a full day of fun, food and reminiscing!! FHS students, staff and alumni are invited Be a part of the fun! Tours of the Building Memorabilia rooms Gathering spaces for clubs, teams, and music groups Frankford Souvenirs Tickets will be on sale for the 100th Anniversary Banquet November 26th Current
- Italian Style Family Dinner
When – Sat, May 15, 4:30pm – 8:00pmWhere – St. Joachim’s Church, 1527 Church Street, Phila., PA 19124 (map)Description – MARK YOUR CALENDAR Every Third Wednesday from September thru May Italian Style Family Dinner The Dinners will be served from 4:30 PM to 8 PM in Fitzmaurice Hall Take-out will be available. COST: $8.00 for Adults, $4.00 for Children. Come Join us!
When – Sun, May 16, 10am – 3pmWhere – Historical Society of Frankford, 1507 Orthodox Street, Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)Description – ANTIQUE (and COLLECTIBLE) APPRAISAL FAIR Annual fundraiser. Have your cherished items appraised by local appraiser/auctioneer Barry S Slosberg. Who knows — you may have a priceless treasure just waiting to be discovered! Cost: $8 per item; maximum 3 items per person.
- Northwood Civic Association Meeting
When – Tue, May 18, 7pm – 8pmWhere – St. James Lutheran Church, at Castor Avenue and Pratt Street. (map)