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Northwood Civic Association Meeting June 18th

There were only 10 attending the meeting on Tuesday night at St. James but there were quite a few questions and some discussion.

  • The owners of 5260 Castor Avenue have presented a new business plan for the property.  They have signatures of neighbors in the immediate area supporting their application of operate a hair salon at that address.  The Civic has decided to submit a letter of non opposition to the plan to the zoning board.
  • Simpson playground is is still falling down and there are no plans from the city to repair it.  The damage would take capital funds and the council representatives say there is no money.  The pool will open this summer with porta potties available for the swimmers and others users of the facility.  Is this the best they can do?
  • Tom McAvoy reported on the success the Townwatch has had in eliminating truck parking on residential streets in Northwood.  Captain McCloskey has been very supportive.

The next Northwood Civic Association meeting will be held on Tuesday July 16th at 7PM at St. James Lutheran Church at Castor Ave. and Pratt St.


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News from the Northwood Civic Association Meeting

Low turnout on the election day meeting allowed more time for give and take on a few special topics.

  • Residents are concerned that the problem with the building at Simpson Playground has been put on the back burner by the city and as a result, the toddler play area is still closed to use as well as the building itself with the rest rooms.  Will the pool be able to open under those circumstances?  No answers have come from city officials and residents are feeling like the are getting the run around.
  • The tire shop behind Pat’s cafe has cleaned up its act since they were approached by Northwood Civic members as a result of last month’s meeting.  Weeds and trash have been eliminated.
  • The owners of 5260 Castor Avenue will be coming to the next Northwood Civic board meeting to discuss a proposed use for the property.  Residents opposed use for it as a beauty salon.
  • Work will be starting on the Y in the next few weeks.  Prospective tenants on looking to the building for use.  Volunteers and donated materials will be used as much as possible to rehab one office space at a time to get some income from the property as soon as possible.
  • Frank Bennett has been maintaining the triangle of property at Adams and Boulevard on his own time.  Cleanups are proposed in the coming weeks for the vacant water ice property on Castor Ave. and Northwood Park.
  • The Neighborhood Security Patrol is still out there doing the job and will be doing a new campaign to sign up additional participants.

The next meeting of the Northwood Civic Association will be held on June 18th at St. James Lutheran Church at Castor Avenue and Pratt St.


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Northwood Civic Meeting 2/19/13 Update

We had only 20 to 30 people in attendance. Old business we touched on the 900 block of Foulkrod and the used car salesman again. In response to an email I sent to the PSA Lt.; Officer Walker went to check out the street; this was his response which I shared with the members:

Hello Joe!

I went out to Foulkrod St yesterday and actually spoke to the gentleman who lives at 960 who is the seller of the vehicles that were out there.  He did state that he used to park his cars out there and thought he was ok because he spoke to the neighbor on the corner who said she didn’t mind him doing that.  The problem seems to be a non-issue now however because he did state that he got a permit for a lot and his cars will be there from now on.

Let me know if the cars reappear out there and I’ll follow-up accordingly.  Thanks for your help & keep in touch!


P.O. Michael Wheeler #2609 15th Dist Quality of Life Officer

No one was happy with this answer. Our next step is to pursue this through the State Police who are more vigilant with vehicle issues.

Wendy Clay, who had mentioned the ‘bandit signs’ last month had her own meeting at her house concerning these and had signs removed. They were replaced just as fast as she removed them. She contacted the business owner who told her he’ll do what he wants and that she shouldn’t call him anymore.

Residents who live over by Northwood Academy complained about the use of the ‘driveway’ by students’ parents when dropping off the kids. They did not contact Amy Hollister as was done in the past; I told them I would ask her if she could notify parents again.

Speakers were:

Carol Rogers from Healthy Philadelphia who is looking for support in getting a health center in the Northeast.

James Clay was present and gave out his office address and phone #.

Christopher Angeli, the owner of the Regal Ballroom was present and introduced himself.  He expressed interest in working with the neighborhood groups to help revitalize the business area on Oxford Ave which we all agreed is long overdue. He just finished a $500K remodeling of his building.

Harry Mearing from NW Security Patrol was there and spoke to residents about recent changes to the service. He is making plans to help increase business and sustain the service in the neighborhood.

Announcements: Northwood Park clean-up will be 9AM to 2PM Saturday March 16th. The civic will provide food and drinks for volunteers. Frank Bennett will step down as board member of the civic until his candidacy for judge is over. According to our by-laws he cannot sit on the board while running for any office. He will resume his post after he is elected  The Spring Yard Tree Program will commence on April 6th from 2PM to 4PM at the Second Baptist Church of Frankford; volunteers needed….contact