The PSA1 meeting was well attended on April 23rd with Lt. Gordon working through the list of issues raised by residents. In addition to Gordon, Officers Lewis and Jacobs who have been attending, SEPTA police as well as some PPD patrol officers also sat in.
Pete Specos, Treasurer of the 15th District PDAC reported that he made a statement on behalf of the Frankford community at the trial of an individual for dealings in the area of Frankford and Foulkrod. This it to help the judge understand the impact of these activities on the community. The defendant received a substantial prison sentence.
SEPTA police say that they have stepped up their patrol of the area around the Margaret-Orthodox station and are coordinating operations with the PPD. Arrests are being made. The PPD is enforcing closing hours for take out businesses in Frankford which tend to attract trouble. In the commercial area it is 2 AM. In the residential areas it is 11 PM.
Drug traffic on the 4700 block of Griscom had dropped but has now picked up. The police are investigating. Tips from the public make a difference. It is not necessary to call the police to make a tip. You can go online and provide information safely. No officer will knock at your door to talk to you. This is the link: You can also send a text message to PPDTIP (773847).
Nuisance activity by groups of gentlemen outside the store on the 4800 block of Oxford Avenue has been noted.
The 4700 block of Frankford Avenue continues to be a hot spot for drugs. The 4700 block of Salem has become almost intolerable unless you are a drug addict. Residents with children are afraid to let them play outside for fear that one will pick up a discarded needle from the sidewalk. The 4200 block of Romain is seeing harassment from groups of rowdy teenage girls.

Joe Krause, President of the Northwood Civic reported that a house, he reported at a previous PSA meeting, on the 1100 block of Haworth, saw police activity for several hours recently. Gordon said that was true but the investigation is ongoing. Krause also noted the manager at Simpson Playground has reported kids on dirt bikes riding around. The police cannot chase people on dirt bikes because of safety concerns but do apprehend them and confiscate the bikes. They are illegal to be on public streets or anywhere not on your own property.
Discussing the problem of criminals being out on bail or probation, the police note that they only arrest the accused, it us up to the judicial system to handle it after that. Judges do the sentencing. Joe Krause notes that there are two judges running for election in May who live in Frankford. Frank Bennett and Sandjai Weaver.
Officer Lewis pointed out that Frankford hosts a large number of drug treatment and rehab houses. By their nature they attract clients that have drug problems.
One resident asked about curfew since summer is coming. Curfew for 13 and under is 8PM during school year and 9PM in the Summer. For 14 and 15 year olds it is 9PM and 10PM. 16 and older it is 10PM and 11PM. One of the officers talked about truancy enforcement and said that it is very difficult to know when students are supposed to be in school in the world of all the new schools operating in the city now. There have been incidents where kids have been picked up for truancy in the morning when the were due to start late. Attendance enforcement has to be between the parents and the school.
The next PSA1 meeting will be on Thursday, May 28th at 7PM at Aria Hospital. Bring your tips.