As reported in the Northeast Times on September 29th, the Frankford Parks Group has received a boost in the form of grants of Councilwoman Sanchez office totaling $30,000 which will allow them to buy and install playground equipment at Wilmot Park, Meadow and Mulberry Streets. The old equipment will be removed next week and the new installation will take place in the Spring.
You can see by the pictures that there is definitely a need. This little park is in a historic corner of Frankford opposite the Second Baptist Church on one corner and on the other side, the historic old Wilmot school building. Thanks to Councilwoman Sanchez and Jason Dawkins who always the best interest of the neighborhood in mind.
The Frankford Parks groups meets the last Monday of the month at Second Baptist, Meadow and Mulberry Streets, at 6PM. The next meeting is on October 25th.