There will be a Frankford NAC zoning meeting at the CDC, 4667 Paul Street, on Thursday, February 8th at 7 pm. The following properties are up for review:
4943 Penn Street– Zoned RSA-3. Applicant is seeking a variance for a four units in an existing structure

4943 Penn Street from Google Street View
2224 Orthodox Street– Zoned as CMX-2 Applicant is seeking a variance to change the usage to a residential single family dwelling with interior parking. * ZBA granted in 1956 a variance for a single family dwelling and beer distributor.

2224 Orthodox Street from Google Street View
1540 Womrath Street– Zoned as RSA-5 Conversion of a single family dwelling into a three dwelling unit.

1540 Womrath Street from Google Street View
4512 Tackawanna Street– Zoned as RSA-5 Applicant is seeking a variance to change it from single family to duplex.

4512 Tackawanna Street from Google Street View
4122 Kensington Avenue– Zoned as CMX-2 Applicant is seeking a variance to have welding (General Industrial) in Space B and an auto mechanic shop with spray painting in space A in the same building with existing rooming units.

4122 Kensington Avenue from Google Street View
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