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First Philadelphia Preparatory Charter School Musical a Hit

Story and photos from First Philadelphia Preparatory Charter School on Facebook

On Friday, March 29 and Saturday, March 30 our students in grades four through six presented Once On This Island, a one-act musical with a book and lyrics by Lynn Ahrens and music by Stephen Flaherty

The students did an outstanding job and demonstrated once again how infusing arts into the First Philadelphia curriculum makes such a difference!

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Great job to our performers and their families and KUDOS and A HUGE THANK YOU to Ms. Stebich, Ms. Ragonese and Ms. Wible for their hard work preparing the students for this performance.

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Have a Good Day

Have a Good Day

Can somebody tell me what happened to thank you, please, and have a good day?

This can’t be like snowflakes and just melt away, this is a tradition we must hold on to each and everyday.

Stop and think how thoughtful it would be to brighten someone’s day, with just a simple smile, and a thank you, and have a good day.

This may be the only thing they need to get them through today, a smile, a thank you, and have a good day.

We must understand that “thank you” can go a long way, to brighten your journey as you travel on your way.


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Dead Americans – Who Is Left To Notice?

A  Story of Two Dead Friends
They Aged Together Over 44 Years
Staying Little Boys At Heart 
Suddenly Everything  Changed
A Puppet President Took Down America
Friends Were Forced To Choose A Road
Suddenly The World Was Polarized
Vision Has Become So Much Clearer
No More Color – Only Black and White
All That Is Left Now Are The Dead Friends 
Digging Each Others Graves
07 April 2019
Joe Menkevich
This is an original work by Joe Menkevich.  All submissions are welcome.  email
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I Remember the First Day of Spring

I Remember

Yes, I remember the first day of spring.

Weeping Willow’s dancing in the breeze.

Frozen lakes and rivers now running free.

Eagles flying high over cherry blossom trees.

It’s at this time when the air is sweet and clean.

It’s like a sweet and tender kiss coming off the ocean breeze.

Little old ladies scrubbing steps on bended knees.


I remember the first day of spring.


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Frankford Garden Club News

We are changing our monthly meeting day to the 4th Wednesday of the Month. Our next meeting is Wednesday, March 27, 6-7: 30 pm at The Wissinoming Recreation Center on Cheltenham Ave.
We will be making Teacup/Coffee Mug flower arrangements with help from Diane, so bring a cup or mug with you! We will have a few extra mugs and all other supplies.
New members and guests are welcome to join us.
Parking is available.  If you need a ride please email or call Janet 267-982-9620
This year our Annual Day-Before-Mother’s Day Plant Sale will be in front of the Jefferson Frankford Hospital at the corner of Wakeling Street & Frankford Ave. on May 11 from 10 am to 1 pm.
We really enjoyed holding the sale in Frankford Pause Park last year, but the Park will not be available till later in the season due to construction.