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In Your Hands


Where there’s a beginning, there must be an end.
Let’s start at the beginning, where I place my heart in your hands.
There’s not a lot of things that I hold dear.
But this is my heart, so I need you to take care.

Don’t use it as a weapon, use it as a shield –
To hold back temptation and to keep me near.
When things happen, and you don’t understand, just stand back!
Because you have a shield, to hold back all things you don’t understand.
That’s why I put my heart in your hands.

So, when the strong winds blow you from side to side, look in your hand,
And use my heart as a guide, to keep you on a straight and narrow path,
That’s why I know our love is going to last.
So, this is the reason I hope you understand,
That’s why I put – my heart in your hands.

Lenny Jaynes

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Frankford Stories

Frankford Stories

Reflections on life in a Philadelphia Neighborhood

Our new book Frankford Stories is out today, available on Amazon at this link.  It’s available in print and also as an ebook and if you have Kindle Unlimited, its free.

This is the second in the Frankford series, following Frankford HeroesFrankford People will be out later this year.

This is a collection of stories published in the Gazette going back to 2010.  I had a good time reading them again as I put this collection together.  There is a lot of humor and some nostalgia, mixed with a bit of some of the not so good.  They are all interesting from the best story tellers from Frankford.

If you live in or have lived in Frankford or if you have roots in Frankford in generations past if you grew up in Philadelphia or any other big city, you will enjoy this book.

To the authors: Al Houston, Joe Menkevich, Jack Hohenstein, Julia (Robinson) Mitchell-Hoffman, Lyle Larkin, Peter Dawson, Terry Rowley, Tony Wilkerson, and William Mastropieri;  I’ll get your copy to you as soon as I can receive  them from the printer.

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Only a Dream

Only a Dream

I feel like I’m in a dream, like I’m flying over mountains, valleys, and streams.

You take me higher than the birds and the bees. It’s so beautiful being lost in a dream.
My heart is beating so fast, how much longer can this last? “Lost in a dream”, flying higher and higher until I reach the clouds.

How do I know if this is a dream? Because I’m flying higher than anyone can believe.

Somehow, someway, you touch my heart, and made me believe that I could fly higher over all of the trees.

So, if this is a dream don’t wake me up, let me continue to fly high over rooftops.
So, if this is what love feels like, don’t wake me up. Let me continue to fly.
Because in the end – we all will realize – it was only a dream.

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Help These Kids Get to the AAU junior Olympics

My good friend, Lenny Jaynes, regularly graces our page with poems but Lenny is more than a poet.  He has spent years working with young people at the Philadelphia Express Track Club.

The club is raising funds to send their team to humble, Texas for the 2021 AAU Junior Olympics.  It would mean the world to these kids to be able to participate.

Every donation is welcome but $100 or more will get you a framed copy of one of Lenny’s most popular poems.

Thanks in advance for your donation to this worthy cause.  Click on this link to download the donation form.

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Thank You For Your Support!

Pat Smiley and I thank you for your support of our Memorial Day fundraiser and efforts to promote his and Richard Johnson’s book, “Frankford Heroes, 2nd Edition”! If you’ve been busy or just didn’t quite get to ordering their book, you can still do so and we will still honor our pledge of 20% of book sales to be split between St. Mark’s Church and the Catholic Daughters’ Matthew 25 Food Cupboard. You will still get the ebook edition, too, for free. This effort will officially end on Friday, June 5. Here’s the link for you to use –

We have mailed the books to those who ordered and have mailed the donations to St. Mark’s Church and Court St. Francis de Sales #2617 CDA. Every little bit helps!!!

For all of you who have purchased the book since it was available last fall, please check your email as Bob Smiley has emailed you a link to the ebook. Please check your email and let us know if you did not receive one and had purchased a book. We do our utmost to insure our records are accurate but… We hope you enjoy this ebook version, too. If you would like to share your comments about the book and allow us to use them as testimonials, please email

We would appreciate hearing what you think of the book!! Thank you again for your purchase and we look forward to sharing more publications with you that pique your interest. Stay well!