Upcoming Community Zoning Meeting
Our zoning meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 14th, 2024 at 5pm.
These are the cases that will be heard.
1357 Dyre Street- Zoned as RSA-5. Applicant is seeking a variance for a three unit dwelling within an existing structure.
5033 Duffield Street- Zoned as RSA-3. Applicant is seeing a variance for a for family dwelling within an existing structure.
4346-48 Griscom Street- Zoned as RSA-5. Applicant is seeking a variance for the erection of an detached structure with roof deck on the 5th floor, multi-family dwelling with forty-six units and fifteen parking spaces.
5245 Oxford Avenue- (Oxford Avenue Apartments) Zoned as CMX-2. Applicant is seeking a variance for thirty-six units with existing parking spaces.
Here is the ZOOM meeting details below:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 815 3933 9760
Passcode: 414817
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