Diane Prokop at the Northeast Times has done her usual fine job of summarizing the Frankford Civic meeting last week on the subject of Wedge medical. Wedge came to the meeting with letters of support from a handful of politicians who must have carefully studied the workings of this “for profit” company and then concluded that they were very fine folks and deserve to exploit Frankford to enhance the corporate bottom line.
The facts of life are that politicians do not support anybody unless there is something in it for them. The owners of Wedge (Minda and Armando MAGUNDAYAO) are listed several times as contributors to the Friends of Dwight Evans in 2006. They were smaller contributors to the Friends of George Kenney in 2004. Does this make a difference? Yes. It’s the way the system works.
We are not against these services. They are needed. But this one is not needed in this place and at this time. It’s legal but its not wanted.