PennDOT to Resume Construction on Aramingo Avenue at I-95 Interchange
in Philadelphia
Church Street to close Wednesday for two weeks for intersection work
April 11, 2020 – Construction operations will resume on Monday, April 13, on Aramingo Avenue at the Interstate 95 Betsy Ross Bridge Interchange in Philadelphia, including work to complete the northbound side of the new bridge over Frankford Creek and implementation of a short-term detour of Church Street for improvements at intersection with Aramingo Avenue, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) announced today.
Normal highway and bridge construction projects in Pennsylvania remain paused as part of the commonwealth’s efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. This project is part of critical work that continues statewide addressing safety needs and work needed to eliminate roadway restrictions that could impede the ability for the movement of life sustaining goods and services.
With the resumption of work, crews will complete construction of the pier and abutments for the northbound side of the Frankford Creek bridge in preparation for setting deck beams and beginning deck construction on the northbound side later this spring. Construction is also underway on sections of several Aramingo Avenue ramps to and from the bridge and I-95 and the reconstruction of the northbound side of Aramingo Avenue between Wheatsheaf Lane and the ramps to I-95 and the bridge.
Beginning Wednesday, April 15, Church Street will be closed to through traffic for approximately two weeks between Tacony Street and Aramingo Avenue for reconstruction of the Church Street/Aramingo Avenue intersection.
During the closure, eastbound Church Street traffic will be detoured north on Tacony Street to Aramingo Avenue. Aramingo Avenue traffic headed for Church Street will be detoured north on Aramingo Avenue and a left on Torresdale Avenue.
Aramingo Avenue work-area traffic is limited to two lanes southbound and one lane northbound at the Frankford Creek bridge. No additional travel restrictions are planned at this time.
The work is part of PennDOT’s $81 million project to reconstruct and extend Adams Avenue from Torresdale Avenue to Aramingo Avenue and widen Aramingo Avenue in the vicinity of the Interstate 95/Betsy Ross Bridge Interchange to improve access to I-95 and the bridge.