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Prisoner Reentry

Given the community’s interest in the prisoner reentry issue, we thought this link to the mayor’s office for the reentry of ex-offenders might be a good idea.  There are a few issues of interest to Frankford residents.  Given that prisoners are going to be released at some point, it makes sense to do the most to help them stay out of jail and out of trouble.

  • Is Frankford carrying a disproportionate share of the load compared to the rest of the city?
  • Are these programs bringing ex-offenders to live in Frankford who did not live here before going to jail?
  • Are these programs effective?
  • How is the effectiveness of the programs measured?

Follow the link to the mayor’s web site.

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Boulevard Pools

From Dr. Harry C. Silcox and Jack McCarthy For the Northeast Times:

One of the main attractions in Northeast Philadelphia between 1929 and the 1960s was the Boulevard Pools. This paradise for swimmers was begun with the idea of producing entertainment on a “grand scale” in the Northeast. Everything would be bigger and better, with entertainment that would rival anything elsewhere. It all began in 1926 when famed pool architect William F.B. Koelte began planning a pool for the Northeast.
While it would be located in Mayfair, the pool’s target clientele would be from the more populated neighborhoods to the south.

I remember seeing the pools as a kid but never had a clue about the history.  It is well worth the two minutes it will take you to read it.  This is the link.

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Bill Gambrel – the Frankford Chargers

It all started with a neighborhood game of football. Now, more than 40 years later, Bill Gambrel has become an icon in the Frankford community.  The legendary coach and mentor — for whom the Gambrel Recreation Center and football field were named — claims he never anticipated how a crowd of local kids throwing around a football could transform into something so big. But it most certainly has.

Melissa Yerkov, Northeast Times Sports Editor, brings us this story this week.  Read it all here.