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St. Joachim Convent Sold to Religious Order

Capuchin Franciscan Friars will use the property for their provincial postulancy program.

convent webFather Thomas Higgins, Pastor of Holy Innocents Parish in Juniata Park, announced last Sunday that the former St. Joachim convent of the  Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, at Church and Penn Streets, had been sold to the Capuchins.

They will relocate the Padre Pio Friary from its present location in West Philadelphia to here in Frankford over the next few months as renovations to the building are accomplished.Padre Pio

Community concern about the future reuse of this building has been growing as it sat idle and was a target for vandalism. The likelihood that it might have become a recovery or boarding house was a possibility.  The Capuchins are a good fit for the community and should be good neighbors. Welcome to Frankford, Brothers!

photo credit: St. Padre Pio via photopin (license)

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“Into the Wilderness” Vacation Bible School

VBS Flyer without tear offsSt. Mark’s Church, 4442 Frankford Ave., is hosting a Vacation Bible School from Monday, July 13 through Wednesday, July 15, from 10 AM until 1 PM. Sponsored by Keep the Faith in Frankford and the Yardley United Methodist Church Youth Group, we are able to enroll 30 children (4-9 years old) and 6 “counselors” (10 years – 13 years) to help assist in this program.

Our theme is “Into the Wilderness” and the children will learn about God’s covenant with the 12 tribes of Israel! Lunch is included and we will learn Bible stories and have activities that are filled with fun!

You must register for this program. For more information, please call Pat Smiley, 215.520.5616 or email me at

You can download a registration form here. Completed forms may be returned to St. Mark’s Church office or calling Pat Smiley.


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All Are Invited and Welcome

Frankford has a rich history of faith and believers. We are blessed with many denominations whose people are active and live their beliefs. We believe in a spirit of interfaith dialogue which helps to connect us all.

Keep the Faith in Frankford is a group of Catholics whose two churches were closed in June 2013. St. Mark’s Church kindly invited us in and has graciously allowed us to meet there and make plans to try to reopen at least one church. We meet every Wednesday night at 6:30 PM. We realize that we have been given a responsibility to care about our brothers and sisters and are trying to do our best to help make Frankford a better place for all.

We would like your support and help with some of our activities. If you are interested, please join us this coming Wednesday night, April 29, at St. Mark’s at 6:30 PM. More information is shared below.

Parishioners Pilgrimage Small

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Time To Buy Your Tickets!

Ten days and counting down to what will be a fun-filled, music packed, foot stomping and energetic afternoon at The Philadelphia Ballroom! Keep the Faith in Frankford is holding their annual fundraiser to support our efforts to reopen St. Joachim Church in Frankford (there is no Catholic Church in Frankford after St. Joachim and Mater Dolorosa were closed). Our Church is rooted in the teachings of Jesus with a strong emphasis on social justice. We still meet weekly (after 20 months)  to provide programs and

Yardley United Methodist Church Youth Group helps us the Dining with Dignity program feed the hungry in Frankford.

Yardley United Methodist Church Youth Group helps us the Dining with Dignity program feed the hungry in Frankford.

activities for our community in Frankford. All are welcome at our meetings. We honor all religions that honor and respect each and every person. Some of our community events include – we participate in the Dining with Dignity program and serve 80-120 community residents with a hot meal and a bagged 26 Picturedinner. We do this every 6-8 weeks. We also do community events like a holiday party for single mothers in a local transitional home. I was so surprised thinking the kids would be older – they were infants up to 3 years old. Some of you even donated toys. We also did a community fair for local residents. We brought textbooks and materials from St. Gregory the Great Catholic School in Virginia Beach, VA to the Stearne School here in our community. We are the Catholic presence in Frankford, which we will continue whether our church reopens, or not.  We want to be able to expand our programming this year, too!

But it takes your generous support. We are very pleased to be able to have The Heartbeats band as our “star attraction”. Won’t you be a “star”, too, and support our worthy cause. See you on Sunday, March 22.


Microsoft Word - Dance Party Flyer.docx