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Frankford Gazette Update

Since we moved to Virginia in March of 2019, the Gazette has depended on news submissions from individuals and community groups.  We have no reporters in Frankford to cover events. Anyone claiming to be a reporter for the Frankford Gazette is acting on their own behalf and is not, in any way, working for or with us.

News should be emailed to me at or through our Facebook page



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On dark days, hope may be hard to find,
But if you look between the lines you’ll find a splinter of hope,
Even though it may be hard to find.

Hope is what keeps the wheels turning,
Hope is what keeps a wood fire burning,
Hope is what a soldier needs when he tries to find his way,
So he won’t get lost in sympathy.

Sympathy will bring you to your knees,
Hope will lift you higher so you can see,
Beyond the stars, beyond the clouds, beyond eternity.

Hope will give you what you need when you’re fighting for what you believe.


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Historical Society of Frankford Virtual Meeting December

The HSF held their annual holiday meeting online due to the unfortunate COVID situation we are all living through.

The historical subject of the program was a presentation by Philadelphia author Allen Hornblum on his most recent book about the story of Holmesburg Prison inmates who were baked alive in their punishment cells in 1938.  A bit heavy for the Christmas season but very interesting.


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The Civil War Diary of Rev. James Sheeran, C.Ss.R.,

Grand Army of the Republic Civil War Museum

Zoom Program

Sunday, December 6, 2020 at 1:00 p.m.

The Civil War Diary of Rev. James Sheeran, C.Ss.R., 

Chaplain, Confederate, Redemptorist

Patrick J. Hayes, Ph.D. Historian, author, researcher

This exciting Civil War diary of a Redemptorist priest, Rev. James Sheeran, C.Ss.R., who was chaplain to the 14th Louisiana Regiment of the Confederacy, is a national treasure. Irish-born Sheeran (1817-1881) was one of only a few dozen Catholic chaplains commissioned for the Confederacy and one of only two who kept a journal. Highlighting his exploits from August 1, 1862 through April 24, 1865, the journal tells of all the major events of his life in abundant detail: on the battlefield, in the hospitals, and among Catholics and Protestants whom he encountered in local towns, on the trains, and in the course of his ministrations. The tone is forthright, even haughty, but captures in sure and steady fashion, both the personality of the man and the events to which he was a witness, especially the major battles. The diary is arguably the most unique narrative of the war written by a chaplain of any denomination and certainly is the most extensive.

As a lover of history, you know how critical it is to keep history alive, especially today!  We very much appreciate your continued support for the GAR Civil War Museum.

4278 Griscom Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19124
(215) 289-6484 •

Please send a request to reserve a virtual seat for this outstanding presentation by replying to this e-mail at

You will be sent a link with a password that will enable you to access the program within 24 hours of the start of the presentation.