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Shadows on the Wall

Shadows on the Wall

Shadows on the wall, it used to be three.
You, me and the sun, now it’s only me.
When the sun goes behind the clouds, it sets me free.
I really don’t know what happened to you and me.
Shadows on the wall, it’s only me.
When I wake up in the morning, I think of all three.
Shadows on the wall, where there used to be three.
I think I will never get over you, when you left, one shadow left with you.
When I close my eyes, I can still see three,
That only tells me I’ll never be free,
Shadows on the wall where there used to be three,
On a cloudy day it’s only me.
Shadows on the wall when it used to be three.
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Philadelphia COVID -19 Small Business Relief Fund

Apply Here
The Philadelphia COVID-19 Small Business Fund is designed to provide immediate relief – in the form of grants and zero-interest loans – to Philadelphia businesses negatively impacted by COVID-19.

The goals of the fund  include:

  • Helping small businesses survive the COVID-19 crisis
  • Retaining employment and helping small businesses continue to pay employees
  • Helping businesses avoid predatory lenders
  • Maintaining the provision of goods and services for Philadelphia’s residents

The Philadelphia COVID-19 Small Business Fund includes the following three programs:

Microenterprise Grant
  • Annual revenue under $500,000
  • $5,000 Grant
  • Signed Tax Return to confirm annual revenue.
  • A description of the impact of COVID-19 on your business, and your recovery plan.
Small Biz Grant
  • Annual revenue between $500k & $3Million
  • Up to $25,000 Grant
  • Signed Tax Return.
  • 2019 Financial Statements.
  • Verification of cash flow needs.
  • Proof of insurance.
  • A description of the impact of COVID-19 on your business, and your recovery plan.
Small Biz Zero-Interest Loan
  • Annual revenue between $3Million & $5Million
  • $25,000 – $100,000 Loan
  • Signed Tax Return.
  • 2019 Financial Statements.
  • Verification of cash flow needs.
  • Proof of insurance.
  • A description of the impact of COVID-19 on your business, and your recovery plan.
  • No collateral requirements.
To apply for assistance please complete the application below. There is one application for all three programs. Your request will be directed to the appropriate program based on your annual revenue. Please refer to the chart above for the program details and the information you will need to complete your application.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.  Please be patient as we expect a high volume of requests.

The Review Committee will consider the following priorities when awarding grants and loans:

  • The number of jobs that the business sustains during a normal business cycle (pre-COVID-19 levels).
  • The business demonstrates that it has lost a significant share (50% or more) of revenue due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The business demonstrates a strong chance of remaining open post COVID-19.
  • The business has experienced loss of revenue from other situations in addition to COVID-19, such as recent public works projects (i.e. water main breaks, utility repairs, street closures).
  • The business provides jobs to low-income individuals and/or is located in a zip code with high poverty.
  • The business has operated consistently for two years or more.
  • For sole proprietors/independent contractors, priority will be given to those who are located in zip codes with high poverty and/or those that sustain multiple sub-contractors during normal business (pre-COVID-19 levels).

Based on the applicant pool, the Review Committee may choose to add further priorities or change eligibility criteria in the subsequent weeks.

If you need assistance completing the application or any other questions about doing business in Philadelphia, contact the Office of Business Services at 215-683-2100 or

Si necesita ayuda para completar la solicitud o cualquier otra pregunta sobre hacer negocios en Filadelfia, comuníquese con la Oficina de Servicios de Negocios al (215) 683-2100 o

如果您需要协助以完成申请或其他任何有关在费城经商的问题,请致电215-683-2100或 发邮件Business@Phila.gov与商业服务办公室联系。

Apply Here
Contact Ellie Vamos, Commercial Corridor Manager, if you have any questions.
(215)743-6580×105 or