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Crime Stats Continue to Improve

When we asked Captain Luca, 15th District Commander, to explain the drop in firearm crimes, he said it all comes down to strategy.  The police know the individuals likely to carry firearms or have used them in the past and act accordingly.

Year to date, firearm crimes are approaching a record low in PSA1 of the 15th District.  That is good news as well as the continued drop in aggravated assaults, burglary and thefts.  Robbery and homicide remain about the same as last year.

Thanks to for the data for our report and Chris Sawyer for the excellent app Philly.Blotter, the top notch crime information tool for Philly.

Details of the report below.

The next PSA1 meeting will be on April 27th.  Come hear about the new police initiative that will notify you by text message of emergency situations.

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Crime Picture Continues to Improve

The February Crime report for the 15th District PSA1 shows modest improvement compared with February of past years.  Looking at the chart year to date through the end of February, you see aggravated assaults about even, burglary down, homicide same as last year, robbery down and thefts down.  The big surprise to me was that firearm crimes have also dropped.

There were 410 crime incidents reported in February and 15 of those were not coded with a crime code.  So the police responded to a call and a number was issued but no further information is available.  Sometimes you see one or two of those in a month but not 13.  The other curious thing is that they all took place on the 5200 block of Frankford Avenue which is the Frankford Transportation Center.  I’ll be asking Captain Luca about that at the PSA meeting this Thursday.

Follow this link to the crime report summary and this link to the crime report details, all 410 of them.

Thanks to OpenDataPhilly for the data and Chris Sawyer for his excellent app Phillyblotter which makes tracking crime a lot easier.

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Robert Bakos and John Lee 15th Police District Officers of the Year for 2016

The 15th Police District PDAC (Police District Advisory Council) honored Robert Bakos and John Lee as Officers of the Year for 2016 at a banquet held on January 30th.

The citation noted that they had made 78 ma­jor crime ar­rests, nine ar­rests for fire­arm vi­ol­a­tions, 383 vehicle in­vest­ig­a­tions and 370 ped­es­tri­an in­vest­ig­a­tions. They were the first to respond for 528 po­lice ra­dio calls.

Officer Robert Bakos with wife Nicole and son Brayden at the award banquet.

In addition, Steph­en Bur­goon, Joanne Kitz, An­thony Manes and Mat­thew Nodiff were named officers of the month for December for their work in the arrest of a suspect in a series of robberies.

Businesses were also honored for their support of the 15th District PDAC:  Friends Hospital (4641 Roosevelt Blvd.), Avenue Chiropractic (6233 Frankford Avenue), Lorenzo’s Café Espresso (4741 Princeton Ave.) and Barbera Autoland (7110 E. Roosevelt Blvd.)

There is no argument that Frankford needs effective policing.  You can measure that in a lot of different ways but it comes down to the men and women out on the street who are putting it on the line to make our lives safer.  We thank these officers for their dedication and hard work.

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Three Homicides in January

There were 3 homicides in January which is not the best way to start out a new year.  Its not a record, however, in March of 2016 and March of 2015 there were also 3 homicides.

The killings are believed to be related to drug activity in this area.  That is not to say that they are not important.  Any life that is lost is significant.

The chart below is a summary of major crimes.  This data comes from opendataphilly and Chris Sawyer’s Philly Blotter app.  Both are invaluable sources of information.

Philly Blotter is very user friendly and links the crime data from opendataphilly to court system records.  This lets you know when an arrest has been made for a particular crime and the disposition of the case.

You can see a more complete report at this link.