- Frankford CDC to host Public MeetingWhen – Tue, May 25, 5pm – 6pmWhere – Frankford Library, Frankford Avenue at Overington St. (map)Description – The Frankford Community Development Corporation will host a public meeting on Tuesday, May 25, 2010. The Frankford CDC will discuss the 2010 Program of Work and ideas for collaboration with community organizations. Guest may enter through the main door.
- Frankford Garden Club Meeting
When – Tue, May 25, 6:30pm – 8:00pmWhere – Wissinoming Park (map)Description – Celebratory meeting and Pot Luck for members only (use parking lot entrance by the playground on Cheltenham Ave between Frankord Ave. and Charles St) At this meeting * Time to make our Summer Plans! * Are members interested in Judging in the City Garden Contest this year? * Latest info on Entering your Garden into the Contest New members are always welcome to join at any time for only $10/year (individual) or $15/yr (family)
- Northeast Philadelphia EPIC Stakeholders Group
When – Thu, May 27, 5:30pm – 7:30pmWhere – Edmunds School, 1197 Haworth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19124Description – The ultimate goal is to create a process that enhances the community’s ability to solve issues surrounding truancy, domestic violence, child safety and substance abuse.
- Frankford Civic Association Meeting
When – Thu, June 3, 7pm – 8pmWhere – Aria Health, Frankford – 2nd floor conference room (map)
- Grand Army of the Republic Museum Open House
When – Sun, June 6, 12pm – 5pmWhere – 4278 Griscom Street, Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)Description – Presentation at 1:30 PM: The story of Gettsyburg battlefield National Military Park Herb Kaufman
- Historical Society of Frankford program
When – Tue, June 8, 7:30pm – 9:00pmWhere – 1507 Orthodox St., Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)Description – ANNUAL TEA and PROGRAM: RESEARCHING NORTHEAST HISTORY — A Local Historian’s Journey Frank W. Hollingsworth. Local historian and co-author of “Northeast Philadelphia: A Brief History” Frank Hollingsworth has conducted his research at various sites throughout the region — including right here at the Historical Society of Frankford. Learn of his approach to researching local history — utilizing the many techniques and resources available — and evolution from HSF member, to researcher, to lecturer, co-author, and recognized local historian.
- Northwood Civic Association Meeting
When – Tue, June 15, 7pm – 8pmWhere – St. James Lutheran Church, at Castor Avenue and Pratt Street. (map)
Tag: Edmunds School
Northeast EPIC Community Stakeholders Meeting
Mark Freeman from Northwood
We monitor statistics on the visitors to the Gazette page and there is a lot of data available. One thing that amazed me at first was the number of visitors who are logging in from Europe. I wondered what they were searching for that brought them here. Maybe they were searching for Frankfort in Germany and found Frankford in Philadelphia.
Yesterday I got an email from Mark Freeman in Artix France.
I grew up in Frankford during the late 50’s thru the early 70’s, after which I traveled the world. I now live in southern France , and love to check out your site from time to time just to keep up with the evolution of my neighborhood, and the community that to a large extent forged my character.
I went to Edmunds School, and lived at 1133 Harrison St…
Because of a fire, I don’t have a single photo of my childhood home. Would you by chance have a photo of that house in your archives? I would really be thankful if you could send me one by e-mail.
I happened to be going out that way and I took one for him and sent it off. So who knows how many former residents are out there traveling the world and just want to find out what is going on in the old neighborhood. Good to hear from you Mark. Keep in touch.