When the Frankford Arsenal closed in 1977 it was decommissioned and a cleanup was done. The work included remediation of radiological contamination, explosive residues, and heavy metal residues. Since 1996, the Corps of Engineers has performed investigations for munitions and residual chemicals.
The Arsenal is divided into three areas. Area II is mainly the old Arsenal closest to Bridge Street and extensive testing was done in that area. The results indicate contamination of lead, PCB’s and Benzo(a)pyrene. The levels of these contaminants would exclude this area for residential use. It has been deemed safe for its present use by School Students, Office Workers, Landscapers, Maintenance and Construction Workers.
At a public meeting on August 18th at American Legion Post 224 in Frankford, Todd Beckwith of the Army Corps of Engineers laid out their proposal for remediating the remaining contamination in Area II. To summarize, they propose to remove the contaminated earth where it is accessible and replace it with clean fill. In the two areas where it is covered, they will leave it alone. Those green areas on the map below are the contaminated areas. Click on it for a better view.
EXCAVATION AND DISPOSAL • In AOCs (Area of Concern) 1, 6, 10 and 20, the contaminated soils are accessible, and can be easily excavated disposed at an offsite landfill. • Involves the estimated excavation and disposal of an approximately 3,112 cubic yards of contaminated soil from the site
INSTALLATION OF A CAP AND FUTURE USE RESTRICTIONS • In AOCs 13 and 21, the contaminated soil is below an already existing cap (asphalt and/or concrete. Leaving the caps in place at AOCs 13 and 21 is consistent with future land use in the area..
The entire package of information is available on their web site at this link.
You are invited to comment before August 31st by email or in writing to:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Attn: Todd Beckwith
Room 10400-E, 10 South Howard Street
Baltimore MD 21201