The Frankford Civic Association meeting on November 3rd heard a string of complaints from residents about the sidewalks being obstructed by the used car lots on Torresdale Avenue obstructing the sidewalks with parked cars. Kids going to local schools have to walk in the street to get by. Its clearly a violation but getting the police or PPA to do anything about it seems to be next to impossible. The issue will be investigated for future action.
Also a topic was the report of noxious fumes coming from the Amuneal building on Torresdale Avenue. Subsequent discussion with Amuneal indicated that the plume of smoke coming from the stack on the roof is steam and no smell was in evidence when an in person visit was made. Amuneal encouraged residents to come in and have a look whenever there is a problem.
The weeds on the Harding Middle grounds along Margaret Street have been cut. The situation was the source of many complaints by neighbors throughout the Summer. The School District says the problem was caused by a temporary lack of personnel.
The new bar at Paul and Torresdale is open but the LCB web site says the license is still in safekeeping but the business is open. That issue was reported on the web site as a potential violation.
The next meeting of the Frankford Civic Association will be held on December 8th at 7 PM at St. Marks Church, 4442 Frankford Avenue.