- Overington House Bake Sale
When-Sat, June 20, 8am – 3pmWhere-Overington House – 1528 Overington St, Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)Description-Bake sale
- Super multi family multi block yard sale
When-Sat, June 20, 8am – 3pmWhere-4600 block od Griscom St Arrott to Orthodox and 1500 block Overington St. (map)Description-Super multi family multi block yard sales spots available! Fee: free for residents of block or $5.00 donation requested to benefit Overington House Inc. for non resident spaces first come first serve. Special features: 50-50 raffle, FCDC Festival at Overington Park going on at Lieper and Orthodox on this date, hack sack demonstration, face painting, close to El, Arrott St terminal, voter registration table, business card exchange table, free item table and more things will be added by then. Items for sale include new and used items, clothing, shoes, appliances, plants, used furniture, toys, books and other variety of items. Any other blocks interested in joining in feel free!
- Frankford Festival
When-Sat, June 20, 11am – 4pmWhere-Overington Park, Leiper St. and Orthodox St. (map)Description-Moonbounce, Dunk Tank (Featuring Representative Tony J. Payton, District 179 as the target) Petting zoo Rock Climbing Wall (Army National Guard) Face painting contest (St. James Church) T-shirt stamping and painting contest Northeast Philly Idol contest Gardening Demonstration (Frankford Garden Club) Gardening Hands-on activity Flea Market – Friends of Overington Park
- Gambrel’s Wet & Wild Summer Splash Off
When-Fri, June 26, 12pm – 4pmWhere-Gambrel Recreation Center, 1900 Wakeling St. Phila. PA 19124 (map)Description-Office of Councilwoman Maria D. Quinones Sanchez & Gambrel’s Advisory Council invites you to Gambrel’s Wet & Wild Summer Splash Off Councilwoman Sanchez and other community residents celebrate the Grand Opening of Gambrel’s brand new Playground and Spray Park! Food, Fun and Games for Everyone! See what activities and programs your recreation center has in your community. Highlights – ribon cutting of Playground & Spray Park – Face painting – Potato Sack Race For more information call Jason Dawkins at
- Word of Faith Christian Center Annual Fair
When-Sat, June 27, 12pm – 3pmWhere-Word of Faith Christian Center, 4355 Paul St. Phila. 19124 (map)Description-Word of Faith Christian Center, will hold their annual fair on Saturday June 27th from noon to 3:00 PM at the church at 4355 Paul St. Phila. 19124 Basketball tournament, children’s play/skit, face painting, dunk tank,(State Rep. Tony Payton, or a representative), will be inside, moon bounce for younger children, aerobics instruction, Health& wellness tips presented by physicians from a local hospital for children, and adults, children’s dental information. “Jewels” the clown will entertain, as well as a local drill team, and a Latin musical group. Gospel rap will be performed by our very own “100 FOLD” group.Gently used clothing for all will be given away. Food will include hot dogs, pretzels, water ice, bottled water. The event is totally free of charge. All are welcome.
- Frankford Civic Association Meeting
When-Thu, July 2, 7pm – 8pmWhere-Frankford Hospital – 2nd floor conference room (map)
Tag: friends of overington park
Coming Up in Frankford
- Grand Army of the Republic Museum Open HouseWhen-Sun, June 7, 12pm – 5pmWhere-4278 Griscom Street, Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)Description-Presentation at 1:30 PM: Civil War Navy Bob Hanrahan
- Historical Society of Frankford
When-Sun, June 7, 1pm – 4pmWhere-1507 Orthodox St., Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)Description-ANTIQUES APPRAISAL FAIR with Barry Slosberg, ASA, ISA, CAI. “Antiques Roadshow” meets Northeast Philadelphia. Have your family heirlooms appraised for $7 per item (maximum 3 items)
- Historical Society of Frankford program
When-Tue, June 9, 7:30pm – 9:00pmWhere-1507 Orthodox St., Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)Description-Salad, Dessert Social. Bring a salad or dessert to share. 7:30 pm — Presentation & Display: “Philadelphia Flag Day Association Historical Flags and Banners”.
When-Fri, June 12, 3pm – 6pmWhere-1900 ORTHODOX STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19124 (Lot with Black Walnut Tree upon it) (map)
Description-The Lewis family will host their 2nd Annual Alex’s Lemonade Stand as part of the National Lemonade Days weekend on beginning Friday, June 12th, 13th, 14th, 2009 from 3pm-6pm, 1900 Orthodox Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Frankford Section of the City of Philadelphia).
- Northwood Civic Association Meeting
When-Tue, June 16, 7pm – 8pmWhere-St. James Lutheran Church, at Castor Avenue and Pratt Street. (map)
- Frankford Festival
When-Sat, June 20, 11am – 4pmWhere-Overington Park, Leiper St. and Orthodox St. (map)Descriptio-nMoonbounce, Dunk Tank (Featuring Representative Tony J. Payton, District 179 as the target) Petting zoo Rock Climbing Wall (Army National Guard) Face painting contest (St. James Church) T-shirt stamping and painting contest Northeast Philly Idol contest Gardening Demonstration (Frankford Garden Club) Gardening Hands-on activity Flea Market – Friends of Overington Park
- Super multi family multi block yard sale
When-Sat, June 20, 8am – 3pmWhere-4600 block od Griscom St Arrott to Orthodox and 1500 block Overington St. (map)Description-Super multi family multi block yard sales spots available! Fee: free for residents of block or $5.00 donation requested to benefit Overington House Inc. for non resident spacees first come first serve. Special features: 50-50 raffle, FCDC Festival at Overington Park going on at Lieper and Orthodox on this date, hack sack demonstration, face painting, close to El, Arrott St terminal, voter registration table, business card exchange table, free item table and more things will be added by then. Items for sale include new and used items, clothing, shoes, appliances, plants, used furniture, toys, books and other variety of items. Any other blocks interested in joining in feel free!
- Gambrel’s Wet & Wild Summer Splash Off
When-Fri, June 26, 12pm – 4pmWhere-Gambrel Recreation Center, 1900 Wakeling St. Phila. PA 19124 (map)Description-Office of Councilwoman Maria D. Quinones Sanchez & Gambrel’s Advisory Council invites you to Gambrel’s Wet & Wild Summer Splash Off Councilwoman Sanchez and other community residents celebrate the Grand Opening of Gambrel’s brand new Playground and Spray Park! Food, Fun and Games for Everyone! See what activities and programs your recreation center has in your community. Highlights – ribon cutting of Playground & Spray Park – Face painting – Potato Sack Race For more information call Jason Dawkins at
Spring into your Park in Frankford
Well you could not ask for better weather for a park cleanup day. So first off were the volunteers at Wilmot Park map across the street from the Second Baptist Church on Mulberry Street. There was a group of about 20 folks ranging in age from the very young to the less young. All were busy doing their various jobs and enjoying the outdoors after our recent rainy period. I took some pictures and then went over to Overington Park map where things were well underway. This group, lead by Diane Kunze, had a much bigger job with not many more volunteers than the folks over on Wilmot.
Refreshments for both groups were supplied by Maria Quinones-Sanchez and Tony Payton. From Maria’s office was Jason Dawkins and Tony came out himself. Thanks to both for the support.
Next Week in Frankford
- Spring into your park day at Wilmot Park
When-Sat, April 18, 9am – 1pmWhere– Park – 1700 block of Meadow St., Phila. PA 19124 (map)Description-Jason Dawkins from Councilwoman Maria D. Quiñones-Sánchez will act as project coordinator to organize volunteers and provide support to Anthony Smith. The Plan: 1) Making and Planting new flower beds 2) Mulching and Cleaning up Park 3) Paint basketball Circle (Green) 4) Paint court pools (White) 5) Replace basketball nets 6) Trash pick-up on center grounds- outdoors The estimate numbers of volunteers is (25-30) • Frankford Park Committee is volunteering • Lunch is going be sponsored by State Representative Tony Payton • PHS is providing all cleaning supplies & Planting material Supplies: • 30 T-Shirts( Design by PHS) • 4 Push Brooms • 3 leaf Rakes • 55 Brown Bags • 20 Gloves • 10 Gallons of Paint • 4 Flat Shovels • 3 Point Shovels Schedule: 8:00am: Pick-up flowers 8:30am: Set-up equipment 9:00am :Volunteers Arrival 9:15am :Volunteers Briefing 9:30am: Begin to clean-up projects 11:00 pm: Lunch 1:00 pm: Departure
- Spring Into Your Park day at Overington Park
When-Sat, April 18, 10am – 1pmWhere– Park (map)Description-There will be a Spring Into Your Park day at Overington Park on Sat. April 18th, from 10 till 1, rain or shine. We will be putting in new beds, cleaning up old ones, mulching, and general clean up. We are told that our council woman will provide snacks and water, we are hoping to have tee shirts for those who help out with the clean up. Tools and gloves will be provided. If you enjoy the park we need your help to spruce it up and ready it for the spring! Hope to see a crowd there, come out and meet your neighbors and have some fun.
- Northwood Civic Association Meeting
When-Tue, April 21, 7pm – 8pmWhere-St. James Lutheran Church, at Castor Avenue and Pratt Street. (map)
Next Week in Frankford
- Movie “Passion of the Christ”When-Fri, April 10, 7:00pm – 9:30pmWhere-Calvary Chapel King’s Highway, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church at 4442 Frankford Ave. 2nd floor (map)Description-“Passion of the Christ” will be shown this Friday, April 10th at 7:00p.m. at the Calvary Chapel King’s Highway. (they are non-denominational) They are located in the St. Mark’s Episcopal Church at 4442 Frankford Ave. 2nd floor, rear. (film is not for small children)
- Historical Society of Frankford program
When-Tue, April 14, 7:30pm – 9:00pmWhere-1507 Orthodox St., Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)Description-John Wanamaker: The Paper Trail of a Merchant Prince, presented by Bruce M. Conner. Mr. Conner will discuss the ephemera which exists from John Wanamaker’s lifetime (1838 – 1922) which includes letters, trade cards, postcards, newspapers, and catalogs. They combine to form an expansive record of his marketing principles and strategies and provide insight into the evolution of a “Merchant Prince”. Members free, non-members $5.
- Spring Into Your Park day at Overington Park
When-Sat, April 18, 10am – 1pmWhere-Overington Park (map)Description-There will be a Spring Into Your Park day at Overington Park on Sat. April 18th, from 10 till 1, rain or shine. We will be putting in new beds, cleaning up old ones, mulching, and general clean up. We are told that our council woman will provide snacks and water, we are hoping to have tee shirts for those who help out with the clean up. Tools and gloves will be provided. If you enjoy the park we need your help to spruce it up and ready it for the spring! Hope to see a crowd there, come out and meet your neighbors and have some fun.