The PSA meeting was held Thursday night at Aria Health. If you read only that first line you would think we were all getting together for a prostate check. No wonder so many guys were there.
Seriously though, PSA in this instance refers to patrol sector area of the 15th district of the police department. PSA number one is the area that covers Frankford and Bridesburg. The meeting gives citizens an opportunity to talk with the police about what is going on, in their neighborhood and on their block.
If some slime sucker has decided to sell drugs on your doorstep, you can talk to the Lieutenant and he’ll tell you what can be done and what he’ll do and he’ll give you his email address. That’s what the meeting last night was about.
Lt. Zaffino runs a very good meeting. He asks everybody what is on their mind and then provids answers. There is not always a easy solution but over the last few months, I’ve seen that he has done things that have helped people who attend this meeting.
I don’t report details of the issues discussed at these meetings to protect the identities of the people who attend. However, Tim Wisniewski of the Frankford Special Services District discussed the positive impact the safety ambassadors are having on the avenue.
If you have a problem, show up at the next PSA meeting for Frankford which is on August 10th at 7 PM at Aria Health, second floor conference room. This is your best shot at talking to somebody who can get things done.