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Did I Mention That We Have a Community Message Board?

Cause we do, it’s right here.  You know what the funny thing about blogs is?  Other than the response comments it’s all one way communication.  I’m talking to you, and I’m the one dictating what gets talked about.  Now that’s fine, I love being in the driver’s seat.  But there’s a ton of stuff to know about Frankford that I’m just plain ignorant of.

Someone knew of the impending conversion of the Frankford Day Nursery before I did.  Someone knew about Wedge Medical and NET opening up under the ave before I did.  Someone knows about some other impending travesty about to be done to Frankford that I don’t know about.  So go over to the message board and say it.

There is a lot to talk about in Frankford.  Did someone offer you weed while you were walking down the street?  Go over to the message board and say where.  I’m not a fan of our counsilwoman, maybe you are so go over there and change my mind.  The thing I would really love to hear about are you stories of Frankford.  What it is today is the way it’s kinda been all my life,  go over to the message board and tell the stories of the things you remember.  Where were the stores you shopped at?  Tell us the history of this place because it goes back too far for me to relate it all by myself.

I dictate what gets said on this blog, go over to the message board and talk about what you want to talk about.


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Deal Street

Betsy Ross Bride - road to nowhere

In the late fifties, the city was planning to build the Pulaski Expressway from the Betsy Ross Bridge to Roosevelt Boulevard.  Someone on Wikimapia actually mapped out it’s path.  Awesome idea, except if you lived on Deal Street.  That’s because the city was going to eminent domain your house so the highway could go there.  Neighborhood backlash(presumably from Frankfordites) stopped the project, but not until years of debate took place.  And in that kind of situation you really don’t want the fate of your house up in the air for a couple decades.  You can’t sell it because no one wants to buy a house that’s going to be seized.  And you can’t move because the city hasn’t given you any money for taking it yet.  So what do you do?  You let your house rot.  See those houses down the street next to that first car?  They’re wrapped in a metal chain mail that I’m guessing is keeping them from falling over and spilling in into the streets.  So what’s going to save Deal Street?  It’s the Frankford Greenway Project. Here’s the nitty gritty.

Deal Street

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Next Week in Frankford

  • Baseball and Softball Registration
    When-Tue, March 10, 6:00pm – 7:30pm
    Where-St. Joachim Church’s Pope John Paul II Room (map)
    Description-The Deni Playground Advisory Council will be holding Baseball and Softball Registration on Friday, March 7th and Tuesday, March 10, 2009 at St. Joachim Church’s Pope John Paul II Room from 6 – 7:30 pm. The in-house coed baseball league for ages 8-10 and the in-house coed t-ball team for ages 5-8 will cost $15. The 11-12 girl’s softball traveling team and an 11-12 and 13-14 boys baseball team will cost $30 a child. The 3rd child in a family will be free. The travel teams will be playing in the Northeast Peanut League. The cut-off date for the child’s age for traveling baseball is May 1st; girl’s softball is January 1st. All travel players are required to have a copy of their birth certificate. The Deni Baseball/Softball season will start at the end of March and run till the end of June.
  • Historical Society of Frankford program
    When-Tue, March 10, 7:30pm – 9:00pm
    Where-1507 Orthodox St., Philadelphia, PA 19124 (map)
    Description-The Women’s Club of Frankford: 100 Year Legacy” presented by Patricia G. Coyne and Betty S. Coyne.
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Frankford Civic Association Meeting

A good crowd once again attend the Frankford Civic Association tonight.  The meeting ran a bit over an hour and fifteen minutes.

  • In addition to the concerned residents of Frankford, some representatives of Frankford drug services were present.  A good deal of discussion was spent on the issue of the perception of the Frankford Civic as unfriendly to these types of businesses.  It seems fair to say that the folks who attended the meeting from the drug services arena are likely to be the best of the lot and expressed a desire to see the undesirable elements weeded out.  That position seems to line up nicely with the goals of the Frankford Civic and most other folks.
  • Zoning issues were updated and the Civic is dealing with them promptly as they come up for approval.
  • Officer katz of the 15th District was at the meeting to listen to citizen complaints and dealt with several with advice on how they should be handled.
  • Complaints from several residents of Salem Street about the clients at the Wedge building on Frankford Avenue centered on loitering by clients waiting for a van to pick them up for the return trip to wherever they live.  They clearly do not live in Frankford.  This is what residents were afraid would happen and now it has happened.  What will our representatives do to straighten this out.  They gave them the green light to move in here and set up shop.  No opposition.  When the same thing was about to happen in Bustleton, red light.  What a surprise.
  • 1522 and 24 Church Street have been purchased and the new owner plans to open a recovery house 120 feet from the door to St. Joachim church and 250 feet from the Northwood Academy Charter school.  Why does that sound like such a bad idea.  Because drug dealers like to go where the business is so they will also be on the church and school doorsteps.  Call your councilperson.  Express your restrained but vehement opposition.  See if we can make this go away permanently.  215-686-3448, 3449.