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Yes I Care


If there’s a mountain I have to climb,
If there’s a horse I have to ride,
If there’s a diamond I have to find.
Just to make my way back to you.
Then I don’t mind, then this is what I have to do.
To show how much I care for you.
I’ll cross the desert on a mule,
Dance on hot coals like a fool.
Knowing this is what I have to do – to make it back to you.
I’ll jump from a plane at High Noon,
Walk Barefoot through the Lagoon.
I’ll do what I have to do, to make it back to you.
It doesn’t matter where I go,
I let everyone know,
I’m working my way back to you,
To show you how much I care for you – yes, I really care for you.
As the days go by, I know I really have to try to make my way back to you.
This is what I’ll do,
Just to show you that I care for you.
Yes, I really care for you.

By Lenny Jaynes

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Thank You

I was just reviewing our Amazon book sales page and saw 5 books sold so far in September.  That was a lot of books but what surprised me was that they were all to one person.

3 were the “Heroes of Frankford High School” and 1 each of “Frankford Stories” and “Frankford Heroes“.

The “Heroes of Frankford High School” has been very popular this year.  It attempts to include all students (over 200 men and 1 woman) who attended Frankford High and later gave their life in service to their country.

Frankford Heroes is the story of the Frankford residents who gave their lives in service from the Civil war to the present time.  Frankford Stories is a good read about life in Frankford.  Its lots of nostalgia.

These books all came out of my experience of writing the Frankford Gazette for 13 years. I met Leon Brantley and he introduced me to Ned Johnson and they wanted some recognition for Frankford veterans.  Since I’m a veteran myself, I agreed and we started a monthly feature for the veteran of the month.

Doing all those stories, it reminded me that veterans are the ones who came home.  That was when I started to look for the stories of those who did not return. Every veteran remembers the day that he left home for basic training after taking the oath, not knowing what lay ahead.

Every Veterans Day we take pride in our service but think back to the sacrifice of those who did not return.  It could have been any one of us.

Veterans day is November 11th.

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A Wonderful Time


Somewhere in this universe the sun will rise.
Somewhere in this universe a brand-new baby will cry.
Somewhere in this universe birds will take to the sky.
That’s the day you become aware, and you’ll see flowers blooming everywhere.
Then you turn around and see honeybees and butterflies bouncing from leaf to leaf.
Then comes that summer breeze, whistling from behind the trees.
As you stand with backpack in hand – then spin around and take in all that you can see.
Then you say to yourself, “What a Wonderful time to be alive”.
So come with me, and take one step, and you will see all that you can see,
And you will say to yourself, “What a Wonderful time to be alive”, and see all that you can see.


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My Magical Garden


In My Magical Garden, what you will see? Flying elephants and smoking chimpanzees.
In my Magical Garden what you will see? Crocodiles climbing coconut trees.
In my Magical Garden what you will see? Lions and tigers shooting the breeze.
In my Magical Garden what you will see? Gumdrops and lollipops growing on trees.
In my Magical Garden all you would need is a big imagination fit for a king or a queen.
And then you will see kangaroos flying in hot air balloons, trying to make it to the Moon.
In my Magical Garden this is what you will eat, hot butter popcorn and jellybeans, and gumdrops from the Gumdrop tree.
Cuz all you need is a big Imagination, and you can be – whatever you want to be.
In my Magical Garden, just you and me. With an imagination big enough for a king or queen.

Lenny Jaynes

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Frankford High Jr. ROTC Color Guard

For the first time in over 6 years, Bridesburg Lawton Post No 2 Veterans of Foreign Wars of the USA hosted an American Flag Retirement/Destruction Ceremony on July 8th at the post headquarters at 4638 Richmond Street in Bridesburg.

Supported by the Boy Scouts of Troop 120 who performed the actual retirement ceremony and destruction of the American flags by burning, the post provided the emcee, rifle team, bugler and logistical support (refreshments and pizza) for the event, which was held in 90 degree temperatures and 70% humidity.

Add the heat of the fire and it was an intensely hot time. The scouts destroyed several hundred American and service flags of all shapes and sizes.

The Frankford High School JROTC provided a color guard for the event.

Joe Fraioli